Found A Hitchhiker In My Fry Tank


Fish Addict
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
Broxburn,West Lothian Scotland
Was feeding fry this morning and generally just looking over the tank and out of the corner of my eye i seen this small red/brown scooting across the sand at great speed

It is tiny prob about 0.3mm in size can see it lil feelers and the shell is flat seems to rise off the snails body as it moves

Had a look at the pinned topic and it's either a ramshorn or it could be a trumpet snail

Can anyone give me a positive id from my pretty crappy pictures ! lol





Pictures are really blurrey.

I would say it could be a pest snail.

What snails do you have in your tanks?
No snails in my tanks at all never bought them plus this is a fry tank so the only thing in it are the fry think it must have came with the live plants that are in the tank so he's been in there for over 2 weeks

No-one any idea what it is ? Or should i wait n see if it grows lol
I would say that it is probably a pest snail. I had some come from some plants I bought from a LPS and they multiply like bunnies.

Does it have little circular colourations on the shell?
i have no idea can't see the wee bugger now ! lol thats the first time i've ever seen it and i've had tank with the plants in it for over 2 weeks i had just turned the lights on so maybe it only comes out when it's dark

I'll wait until this evening and turn lights on when it is dark that way i can see if i can see him and i'll try n catch him lol
It's a small ramshorn snail, different from the slightly bigger ones.
I have these in my shrimp tank, seem to reproduce slower than other pest snails.
They do no harm though, don't eat the plants, will only multiply if these is enough food hanging around for them (algae/rottings bits of plants/fish food).
Well I caught the lil bugger and whilst i was moving things about i found 2 more !! But they're completely diffrent to the other one ! These ones have very rounded shells with a lil sort of tail on the end . Caught all 3 of them and have them sitting in a tupperware box until i find out what to do with them ! lol

some pics and a vid see if Id'ing is possible :D


Other 2

Both are pest snails, bottom one is known as a tadpole or pouch snail.
that happened to me once, i bought a seed from lfs and out poped this pest snail, i dont mind them at all since my chines algie eater eats the eggs (or i think)

cae it keeps the, to a min
I would leave them in the fry tank as they'll make a great clean up crew.

Please note that they're only considered 'pest' snails because they have to capability to reproduce in large numbers should they have a large supply of food. If you don't have a lot of decaying plant material, algae or overfeed they multiply at a manageable rate. :good: I think they should be included in every tank, to be honest.
agreed, but if there kept under control, when i first had them, about 2 months later the tank was covered by my guests but it was because i was wayy over feeding my fishies

lessond learn :)

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