Fish Crazy
Found a dead Rainbow in my tank this afternoon - nice and white(!), one side the scales are half missing, the fins have been nipped.
Water Params
CA 40mg/l
NO2 0.1 mg/l
NO3 not even 5kg/l
NH3 Zero
GH 140 mg/l
KH 40 mg/l
PH 7.6 - 7.8
FE (non chelated) Zero
FE (chelated) Zero
Mature Tank of approx 4 years
Weekly water changes 25%
Did a thorough clean of the sand substrate at the weekend
Did see one of the Bosemani Rainbows flaring and following one of the Reds/Yellows (difficult to say which as it was nightime), and thus don't know whether my poor lil fishy (R.I.P) is the one being followed or whether it was agressive or other (if ya know wot i mean!! ).
May just have been a weak fish (had them about 1 month, all are between 1 and 1.5 inches).
Any ideas or simply - one of those things?
PS They say that bad things happen in threes (or is it good things?) my kitten got run over on Tuesday, one of my fish has now died .....only the dogs, rabbit, kids and wife to go ........
Water Params
CA 40mg/l
NO2 0.1 mg/l
NO3 not even 5kg/l
NH3 Zero
GH 140 mg/l
KH 40 mg/l
PH 7.6 - 7.8
FE (non chelated) Zero
FE (chelated) Zero
Mature Tank of approx 4 years
Weekly water changes 25%
Did a thorough clean of the sand substrate at the weekend
Did see one of the Bosemani Rainbows flaring and following one of the Reds/Yellows (difficult to say which as it was nightime), and thus don't know whether my poor lil fishy (R.I.P) is the one being followed or whether it was agressive or other (if ya know wot i mean!! ).
May just have been a weak fish (had them about 1 month, all are between 1 and 1.5 inches).
Any ideas or simply - one of those things?
PS They say that bad things happen in threes (or is it good things?) my kitten got run over on Tuesday, one of my fish has now died .....only the dogs, rabbit, kids and wife to go ........