Found a Ancistrinae sp. (L136c) at PetCo...


Fish Aficionado
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Southern U.S.
It was a nice size, about 5" and very nice looking, only thing is it was almost certainly dead. I couldn't see any movement and it was non-reactive except when the water flow brushed against it. Does anyone know anything about them? I'm going to buy one the next time I see one there (if any show up). It was listed as a medium Common too.

This is what it looks like. It took me going through the entire database to be sure.
L136c from the Rio Negro grows to approx 7cmand is an algae eater who enjoys some live foods.

Very little is known about this fish, the differences between the subspecies (a,b,c) is the size of spots covering the body.
Are you sure about the size? It was at least twice that length. Definitely not a common either, though it is strange such an uncommon fish would end up there.
Teelie said:
Are you sure about the size? It was at least twice that length. Definitely not a common either, though it is strange such an uncommon fish would end up there.
Just going by the old Aqualog book there.... It may not be an L136c.
It might be one, if they're so uncommon then it might not be known how large they grow, though I am still puzzled how it ended up there.
Wow if they have one just BUY IT!!!

And be sure to take lots of pictures for us if you do.

Oh and plecs arent the most lively of creatures in the day. Sometimes they do just sit there.

Yeah I know, I've had Commons before and they do sit there, but you can almost always see the mouth and gills moving when they're up against the glass and clearly this poor guy had neither of those going on. :(

I was in PetCo the other day and they had some nice Commons but none were remotely close to this one.
I have 3 plecs, a Tiger, A Bristlenose and an L128.

Out of the three the bristlenose is the only one that almost constantly moves. The other 2 only move when they want to, or when there is food around.


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