Foul Smelling Water After Water Change


Dec 29, 2015
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i dont know why but after i did a MAJOR water change(70%) to try to adjust my Ammonia and nitrite levels, as it worked on my levels
but now my water smells foul as before i did it i got rid of my dead (floating) mystery snail. Did the rest of the water contaminate the newely added water? if so what can i do to fix this ( i added a water cleanser for the chlorine/Chlorinates found in some tap water only 10Mls added as it was a trial case).
also other fish seem to be floating on their sides due to my water change and fix in water tempture(got up to 90*"degress F") 
what do you mean by a foul smell? Does it smell like compost? A musty smell? If so this is a normal smell and can be a sign of a tank beginning to cycle
Akasha72 said:
what do you mean by a foul smell? Does it smell like compost? A musty smell? If so this is a normal smell and can be a sign of a tank beginning to cycle
Foul as in like how rust smells like, doesnt smell like rotting, but i guess since my smell is off it could be rotting
I've just read your other post about your snail. It may be the snail that has left a stink behind. A healthy tank will have a composty smell and this is perfectly normal. 
I've also read on that post that you've got high levels of ammonia and nitrite in your tank. This will create a smell. I can now hover my nose over a tank with ammonia in it and know it needs an instant water change but this is something that comes from experience. 
My best advice is to head to the cycling your tank area of the forum and make sure you have understood what this entails and keep up the daily water changes until you get things back under your control
I had majorly foul smelling water when my dechlorinator stuff had apparently went bad and I dosed with it. I didn't know that happened. It was a stinking mess. Smell the bottle and see if it has an odor.
does my water temp go down while my heater is off?
ed 59 minutes ago
I had majorly foul smelling water when my dechlorinator stuff had apparently went bad and I dosed with it. I didn't know that happened. It was a stinking mess. Smell the bottle and see if it has an odor. 

I had the same thing happen! I wound up isolating each thing from the tank until I finally determined that it was the dechorinator that was causing the smell. I thought I was losing it! 
What dechlorinator? 
Because I use SeaChem: Prime, and I thought the foul stench was the sulfur??
And it's most likely the snail rotting in your tank, dead snails usually give off a nasty odor. Do you have moss balls in your tank? Because moss balls can give a nasty odor, too, if you cleaned them off recently while doing your water change. 
I honestly forget what kind of dechlorinator it was. I threw it away. It wasn't SeaChem.
I had seven plastic cups lined up on the counter in our office trying to figure out where the smell was coming from. Two had a plant, the others a snail, gravel, moss ball, stones and the betta. When one of the new hires came in, I said, "Do me a favor and take a sip from each cup and tell me which one tastes bad to you." :p
My smell went away after I changed dechorinator.
If there is a dead snail in the tank, that would be the smell!
Mark Z. said:
I honestly forget what kind of dechlorinator it was. I threw it away. It wasn't SeaChem.
I had seven plastic cups lined up on the counter in our office trying to figure out where the smell was coming from. Two had a plant, the others a snail, gravel, moss ball, stones and the betta. When one of the new hires came in, I said, "Do me a favor and take a sip from each cup and tell me which one tastes bad to you." :p
My smell went away after I changed dechorinator.
If there is a dead snail in the tank, that would be the smell!
"Do it or you're hired! Do you want to get fired on the first day?!"
Rotting snails can be toxic to fish.
If your water smells like rotting eggs, sulphur, it can mean bad bacteria is running
rampant in your tank.
Are the fish still swimming on there sides.
Any signs of gasping, or heavy breathing?
No-one's mentioned the filter. Is it possible you've got something dead inside that, and the bad water is thus being circulated?
You ask if water temperature goes down when the heater is off....well, it will do so at some point, I'll assume (rightly or wrongly) that a smaller tank will lose
its heat more rapidly than a bigger one.
Has the neons colour come back yet?

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