About a week ago I discovered a very bad case of ick in my angelfish tank (55-gallon). It was in the advanced stage when I discovered it, and most of the angels also had secondary fungus infections on what was left of their fins and parts of their bodies. I had had a lot of company and had not closely examined the poor babies in a couple of days. I immediately did the proper medications and checked water perameters, did water changes and still lost a couple of them. But one of the survivors (I had 10 to begin with) has been floating on the top for about 5 days now. It is able to maneuver around the top of the water, but makes no apparent attempt to eat. The other angels are not bothering it in the least. Its abdomen appears a little swollen and it can swim upright for very short periods of time. I have been expecting it to die for days, but it show no sign of weakening. so far. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could possibly do to help it? I am going to do another partial water change today and would like to be able to put some treatment in the water to help it, if that is possible. I know it has sustained some signifcant internal damage, and is probably beyond help.Any suggestions will be appreciated.