Forgot to turn my lights on...

Rob 28

Fish Fanatic
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
I got up this morning, checked my fish out and rushed off to work. Came home and my tank was pitch black - forgot to turn the lights on today. that means they've been in the dark for 24 hours from last night. Will this harm my cycle as i have a new tank or the fish ? I see that my algae has died that was growing on the front of the tank that i actually wanted for when i get some suckers.

Should i turn the lights off now overnight and carry on as normal or leave on all night and all day tomorrow to 'make up' ? :blink: would any bacteria have died cos of theplants giving off less oxygen ?
I don't understand why this would affect your cycle. Cyling is concerned with the amonia fish produce. Also, I don't see why you algae would disappear in this time either.


Keep your light off tonight and then go on as usauly tomorrow. Maybe invest in a timer. ;)
Thats what i thought -just a worrier cos im new! :whistle:
Rob 28 said:
Thats what i thought -just a worrier cos im new! :whistle:

Don't worry, we were all new sometime and IMO still are in a way.

A light timer is a very good idea. I have one for all my tanks. Saves for problems like this and when I go away I know that the fish are still getting their day/night time.

LoveMyOscar said:
I don't even turn the light on in my oscars tank ... He likes it dark and all. Besides he gets enough light from the room. On the other tanks I do have the lights on just about 24/7 because that is what heats the tank. :)
IMO it's not good for fish to have the light on "24/7". Why don't you have heaters?

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