
Aug 13, 2003
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British-Columbia, Can.
ok there's a huge forest fire across the lake from my house! it is burning really close to our towns main power lines so we may be out of power for a week or so! :unsure: what should i do 4 my fish in a power outage? cuz they won't have air or heat??????? :fish: and on saturday there is a chance of more lightning and all the forest are tinder dry so the mountain i live on has the possibility of being lit!
is there any way to safetly move fish quickly? :crazy: i don't want to leave them behind :-( sorry if this sounds like i'm sadistic or something but in a few days the fire spread from 500 hectars to 11000!!!!! i just want to be prepared!!!!! please give me some advice on power outages (long term) and transport (i guess i could always use baggies :huh: )
thank you!
Do you have live plants in your tank? If you do, they will help filter the tank and provide oxygen during daylight hours while the power is out. You are more likely to have a problem keeping the tank cool than hot at this time of the year (especially if you're in the Okanagon). You can float zip lock baggies of ice in the tank to lower the temp if this is necessary.

As for moving them quickly, the best thing to use is a cooler (the kind you'd pack your food in if you were going camping). Ideally, you should buy one that has never had anything questionable in it (like soap), and sterilize it by pouring boiling water over all the interior surfaces and inside the lid. If it's impossible to get a new one at this point, just make sure to sterilize the one you'll use extremely well. If a cooler is not available, a rubbermaid tote or sterilized garbage can will also do the trick. However, they will not provide the same temperature stability that a cooler can provide. I've heard of people keeping their fish in coolers for several days during long moves, but you'd more than likely need to add oxygen (depending on the number of fish to water ratio).

If I were you, I'd have the sterilized container ready in case you get an evacuation notice. If you need to move your fish, siphon as much of their own water into the cooler as you can, moving them in their own water. Remember that water weighs about ten pounds per gallon; don't put more in the cooler than you'll be able to move. Good luck!

edit: I didn't read your signature.. you are just dealing with a ten gallon tank! That's very good. You should be able to move them without too much trouble, if need be. :)
thank u for your help and someone from bc yay......actually the weather has been cooler cuz the smoke blokes the clouds so my temps are actually dropping! :crazy: i'm putting the heater in 2nite! i do have live plants so my fish will be okish. thanks again i hope it doesn't come down 2 evacuation tho! :X

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