Foreign Creatures


Fish Addict
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Cali
Hi Everyone,

While feeding Otis and Cletus tonight I noticed something new. There are teeny tiny white things hopping around inside the tank. They are smaller than a pin head and are white. I cannot see the body shape because they are little specks. I assume they have legs because a worm probably could not jump around as these things do.

Have any idea what they are? Should I be concerned?

If it helps at all, I added 2 dwarf lily bulbs about a week ago. They just started sprouting.

:EDIT: I saw Cletus eat one! :lol:
They sound like planaria to me. No problems for your fish usually a symptom of bad water conditions though - perhaps reduce your feeding and step up your water changes to get rid of them.
If they are free swimming, they are probably a small crustacean, copepod etc., which will get eaten over a period.

Planarians usually glide over the surface of the glass or tank fixtures. Also not a big problem per-se, eaten by some species, but often indicative of over feeding. Can damage fish eggs.
Okay, so consensus is to feed less and do some extra water changes until they are gone. Nothing to be terribly concerned about.

Thanks fellas!

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