Foreground Plant For Pea Gravel?


Fish Herder
Nov 16, 2006
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I have currently got some H.C. growing in my pea gravel (poor choice I know, but it went in last year before I knew anything!). Whilst it is growing I wouldn't say it is managing to root into the gravel that well.

Is there anything to suggest which may be better suited? I have JBL AquaBasis Plus beneath the gravel so it isn't all bad! Not too keen on using riccia on slate/stone.
what about
Pygmy Chain Sword (Echinodorus tenellus)
Dwarf Hairgrass (Eleocharis parvula)
Glossostigma (Glossostigma elatinoides)
Brazilian Micro Sword (Lilaeopsis brasiliensis)
i have tried all of these tennelus and hairgrass are easiest to grow
Glosso does far better in these sorts of substrates. Just depends whether it's high tech enough.
2.5wpg, pressurised CO2 at 30ppm (green 4dkh water and bromo blue) and EI dosing. Should be sufficient for anything! May give glosso a try in a few weeks, cheers!
2.5wpg, pressurised CO2 at 30ppm (green 4dkh water and bromo blue) and EI dosing. Should be sufficient for anything! May give glosso a try in a few weeks, cheers!

Though I use it for my low-light tanks, Marsilea hirsuta might be an option. It may stay nice and low with your light and grow mad with your CO2. It's structure is a lot tougher than glosso or HC and it should be able to poke through pea gravel. The color is very appealing, a bright green, and its leaf shapes are charming. The single-lobed leaf is cute, but I personally really like the four-lobed leaf, which can appear when the plant is submerged, especially when it stays low to the substrate (looks a lot like a four-leafed clover). It can also come with two lobes or three lobes and often appears with a mixture. I don't think there are many plants out there that as charming as that. It adds a certain quaintness to a scape, very nice for immitating a woodland scape for Nature aquariums.


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