For those with lightly colored Platy females


Married Lizard
Oct 8, 2003
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Residing in a big city in Minnesota, but I'm a cou

I have a mostly-white female Platy. She's quite round, so I'm guessing that she's pregnant. She appears to have a pinkish/orangish "gravid spot" in the same place the guppies have their gravid spots. Is it a gravid spot of sorts? I don't see a spot like this on my light-colored males. This will be the second time I have baby fish. Last time one survived for a week and a half, and then died. My female looks flattish on the bottom of her belly and she is quite round. She's till eating (quite hungrily!) and acting like, well, a fish. Hopefully I'll have some pictures to upload later :)

aka Lizard
lizard said:

I have a mostly-white female Platy. She's quite round, so I'm guessing that she's pregnant. She appears to have a pinkish/orangish "gravid spot" in the same place the guppies have their gravid spots. Is it a gravid spot of sorts? I don't see a spot like this on my light-colored males.
How are you Lizard,I wouldnt know about platys,but I do happen to keep albino and gold guppies.When my females are pregnant,which is always,they do show this pinkish-orange gravid spot you mentioned.

Remember what gives the dark color is mostly the fry eyes and body color.Since you dont have albinos, the gravid-spot should be darker than pink.But I also know that guppies show their gravid spots better than platys,mollies and swords.I assume that if you have her with other males and she is behaving normaly,that she is pregnant and on her way to give you some grandchildern :lol:

Good luck Pam.Let us know how it goes.

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