For Sale Pleco


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
1x unknown pleco (spotted) £10 ( i paid £30 for it 2-3 years ago)
I'm sorry I will not post, you will have to collect no exceptions.

all others have gone
1x unknown pleco (spotted) £10 ( i paid £30 for it 2-3 years ago)
Any chance of a photo - can I have first dibs until it can be ID'd? I'm only an hour away, so can collect.
Also, what sort of size is it?
hi wolf where abouts are you in kent

intrested is these....................... if your not to far away

3x glass catfish Kryptopterus bicirrhis free to collector

3x spotted raphael catfish Agamyxis pectinifrons £6 each

1 group of loaches (Botia histrionica & Botia rostrata) about 10-12 in total £10 the lot

Any reason for the sale ???
near Tonbridge (TN11)

reason for sale is getting rid of yet another tank in the new year
1x unknown pleco (spotted) £10 ( i paid £30 for it 2-3 years ago)
Any chance of a photo - can I have first dibs until it can be ID'd? I'm only an hour away, so can collect.
Also, what sort of size is it?
ok it overestimated it was early 2007 that i purchased him

best pics i have are here
and never was positively ID'd
Thanks. I'll take him - PM sent.
If Flash22 changes his mind about the loaches I would be interested. Not likely I know but it's worth mentioning - you can never have too many different loaches in a 500 gallon tank!
still some up for grabs
i will take 2nds on the plec if martin dont have can go with my group...tx
Thanks flash22 for taking the fish, good doing business with you mate.

still some for sale and I'm still open to offers
Nice fish. The cats and the BN are very tame and didn't mind being handled thay made the hours trip back fine. There now settling in their now home. May get some pic's up in a few days

pleasure doing business with you :good: .

PS. There where 9 loach in the end. Thay must of been hiding in the ornament. lol

To any others interested in the others, The fish are in nice condition and well fed imho the sharks, reedfish and tetras are a bargain.

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