For Sale- Fish (lots), 200l Tank & Accessories


Fish Addict
Dec 3, 2007
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I am moving house so need to get rid of my fish tank before June... I have:


2 Silver & Black Adult Angel Fish- £5 each
1 Koi Angelfish Adult Female breeding- £8 but MUST go to a good home with experienced fish keeper (I have a bit of a soft spot for her!!)
9 Neon Tetras- £10 (sold together)
1 Female Cockatoo- £2
1 Gold nugget Pleco approx. 3-4 inches (but I'm bad at estimating)- £20 again must go to experienced fish keeper
1 Bolivian Ram Adult- £2
4 Pentazona Barbs- £5 (sold together)
2 Blue tetras- £2 (sold together)
4 Amano shrimp- £6 (sold together)
2 Cory Metae, 2 Cory Sterbai (maybe another Cory, not sure)- £10 (sold together)
4 African Dwarf Frogs- £5 (very active, sold together to good home)


200 litre Amazon Tank, good condition just a few little scratches, 2 years old with lights, Fluval 305 filter (for 300l tank), heater & cabinet)- £200 ono


3 coconut caves (1 with Java moss)- £3
Large piece of bogwood- £5
Bog wood with plants growing on it- £5
medium bogwood - £3
large rock with hole - £4
smaller rock - £3

Plus loads more little bits... email me- [email protected] if interested.
I am interested in the amano's how far SE are you in London? I am close to Chelmsfored which is South west Essex ish. Secondly what sex are the amano's?
Thanks to the people who have replied.. I meant to say in my original post that I have a lot to get rid of in a short time and I don't want to be left with just a few fish and scraps of a fish tank so I will only sell items in bulk rather than taking a pound here and there... Sorry I should of mentioned this in the original post. The reason I have put the prices so low is because I want to sell in bulk.
I would take the corys if available and can pick up from Watford
Also if the dwarf frogs are £5 for all 4 I would take them as well if available
Where abouts in se london are you?
Am very intrested in the 3 angels and I have over 20 years of keeping angels and other fish.
I won't post any of the livestock but will post accessories if the cost of postage is covered. I am in Southwark, near London Bridge, e-mail me if you would still like the angels.
im interested in your nugget...if arsenaldes buys the cories of you i will get him to pick it up for me once ive told let me no if its still for sale...tx...btw i have plenty of room...8 tanks...i breed...tx
Hi just to let you all know it's a bit confusing who is having what as everyone wants the same fish!! At the moment I have interest in the corys, ADFs, angels, gold nugget & amanos. I will sell to whoever is the first to confirm.

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