[For Sale] 2 Clown Pleco


Fish Aficionado
Jul 31, 2008
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Livestock: 2x clown plecs, also known as Ringlet Pleco, latin name = Panaque maccus
Age and condition: ive had them about a year and a bit
Quantity for sale: 2
Reason for Sale: tank shutting down so i have no space for them.
Delivery or Collection: collection only, no postage
Sales price: make me an offer (serious ones only)
Postage & Packaging: i can probably find a fish bag, but we can sort that out.
Location: Near to dorking in surrey
Photograph: (thats going to be hard, as they love hiding under wood!)

hi all, sadly i have to let me two clown plecs go, they are very happy and from a healthy tank where they both get on very well. (have been in with a female BN as well) i cant sex them as i dont know how but i havent had any aggression nor any offspring. They love 'real' foods as well like cucumber. Need some bogwood in the tank to rasp on and to provide darker 'shady' areas.
These two are pretty awesome plecs and only grow to about 8cm so a tank of 90L+ is large enough. (providing it has the floor space)

Let me know if you are interested.
What is a reasonable price sorry. (I have no idea, new to the hobby and all that)

And would they go nicely with (so far)

2 Black Skirt tetras
4 Phantom Eye Tetras
2 Patys
Cherry Shrimp (intended)
In a 125 litre medium planted tank?
they would be fine in that set up. (as long as you can handle more stocking, - a good filter)

in the local aquatic shop they retail at about £5 each. so how about £8.50 collected (for both)?

- these are larger than you will get at the lfs as i have had them nearly a year now at a guess.
- they are also more coloured up
- and you know its a healthy tank as your welcome to come and inspect it before buying :lol:

(if you still want them drop me a PM)

make sure you are able to feed these guys. (sinking pellets, wafers, cucumber etc)
sorry, this post is from december 2009. they went ages and ages ago.

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