? for Lady Tankalot


New Member
Dec 30, 2004
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Martinsburg, West Virginia
Hi, New member here . I saw a catfish in your postings that a local LFS has for sale that they refer to as a Jun catfish. presently the 3 they have in the tank are about 2" long. My 29gal tank presently has 8 white clouds, 4 otos, 4 albino cories, 4 ghost shrimp. I will be adding 2 German Blue Rams today. Water is ammo 0/ nitrite 0/ PH 8.0. The tank is planted . Has been running since Nov27/04. I am using a emporer 280 and I seeded the extra medium holder with gravel from a friends established tank from day 1. You seem to have 1 of these cats and I was wondering how large they get and what foods they require ? Girl at the LFS had no idea . Thanks .....................WVleo
can't give you too much info on name etc, Dom (the kids idea, short for domino) was one of the first purchases for our first tank.

we've had him about three years and he's now about 5" long. he's an incredibly peaceful fish, spending most of his time hanging out with the clown loaches.

i have him in my 80gallon and he eats mainly cat pellets or aglae waffers, but love blood worm.

don't think he's be too happy in a 28g cus he does sometimes like to go and have some quiet time in a cave or behind some plants

hope this helps
You might want to add some peat to that tank, 8.0 seems really high for your fish. Don't take my advice, wait for someone to evaluate mine.
Hi, Thanks for the reply , I thought the jun cat would require more room than I had to offer . About the ph, all the LFS in my area use the same city water as I do ( I asked ) so a ph of 8 in my tank isn't a change for them . WVleo

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