For gooness sake....


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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Ok. Tanks on Ebay. Again.

Actually, the whole shop has these pathetic tanks in-

I know theres been a lot of posts about this, but this is mainly for those insomniacs or those who have nothing better to do.

:p :p :p :p
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I've seen those at my LFS, but a bit smaller.. :(

The employees keep them pushed to the back of the shelf near the bottom so that no one sees them, and if someone tries to buy one they are discouraged from it.

The owner orders them cos he thinks they're pretty.. the employees know they're cruel.
No its a glorified death pit. Thats what I put in the question I asked, anyways. And someone actually wants to buy it..... Sad people.
I'm about to open a new topic on a conversation I just had via the phone with a pet store here in town about such containers. I'm irate, to say the least. :angry:
What the heck is that thing? They say it retails for 31.95,you could set up two sweet 2.5's for that price -_-

That's the most awkward (not to mention cruel!) contraption I've ever seen.
I've gone off at the checkout at PetWorld about those containers.
I said that it was ####ty (and YES I used that word in the store) that they promoted unhealthy unhappy betta keeping in front of some woman who was asking about betta vases. Then I told her that those vases are cruel and putting a plant on top of it will kill a betta (even though i'm not sure that's true - her eyes got really big :rolleyes: )

That was weeks before the whole incident over the phone where the dufus from their fishroom told me that bettas prefer to live in little cups, and the bigger the tanks get the more stressed out they get.

Every time I go into that store I immediately walk to the bettas they have on a big display rack right in the front of the store and inspect each one then point out the sick ones to the employees. I then pick up each horrid little death trap "aquarium", look it over, shake my head and throw them down. I'm waiting for one of the employees to come over and ask if they can help me. I will go OFF. I'm patiently waiting though.

OH - and I've also written several emails to each company who i have been able to find contact info for that makes these horrid little aquarium-type things.

Well, I have to be off now - today's the day Amos is going to his 5 gallon tank from the 2.5 gallon :D !
.98 cents for the "thing" and $14.00 for shipping.

That would make a cute flower pot for my African Violets to sit on my desk in, probably the only thing I would put in it though lol.
i just saw one of those things for the first time yesterday. i could not believe that it was actually supposed to be for a betta!!!! people are brainless & cruel if they put their bettas in one of those. :X

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