For All Sorority Keepers


New Member
Nov 4, 2006
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Please watch out for any little holes you may have in your tank decorations, girls are very curious little things and they can get seriously injured.

One my girls became stuck in a hole half her size and she was there for hours. I was feeding my ladies this afternoon, and noticed that one was missing out of the six of them, so I searched and found the lost one with half her body stuck in a hole no bigger than an emoticon. The hole itself was in a resin decoration.The result of her entrapment was a large gouge in her back and internal injuries that proved fatal.

Please seal up any small holes in flower pots, stones, rocks, anything that can get your betta stuck with silicon. I don't ever want to see this happen to any more of my precious ladies. Having one die so traumatically is enough. I just thought it would be okay for any sorority keeper to be reminded of this often overlooked danger.
^Great advice. Also do not keep sharp or pointy fake plants or deco which has anything sharp on it. Bettas will rip n tear their fins and will scratch there bodies causing infections.
i too had a similar problem, as my coven is quite heavily planted, i added a nutrafin yeast based co2 unit. this has a "ladder" that sits in the tank, suction cupped to the tank wall. it has small holes at each side at every level up, and in one night TWO of my girls managed to squeeze through the holes, wedge themselves in the gap against the glass, get stuck and die :-( needless to say the ladder came out immediately and has been replace with a cup that has such tiny holes you can't even see them, so no chance of problems there!

picture of the tank
wow thats a lovely tank Ibble!

I lost a girl to a tiny hole too, god knows how she managed to get as far in as she did but the edges of the hole were sharp and well, it wasn't pretty :(

Don't be under the impression that its only females tho, males are just as bad

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