

New Member
Apr 20, 2004
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Looking for some advice.

I have just added my first fish to my first tank. I have got 2 zebra danio's and 2 phantom tetra's.

I am feeding them tropical fish flakes at the minute, but my concern is that the zebra danio's are so greedy they are shooting to the top and eating all the food before the tetra's move or the food gets a chance to sink to the bottom.

Should i be using a different kind of food for the tetra's or is there a method of feeding which means they all get a share.

I know they are hardy little things but i'm worried that the tetra's are going hungry.

Thanks for any advice.
When your feeding break up some of the flake into small pieces and leave some large, the small flake will got down to the bottom part of the tank and the large will float, The danio's will stay at the top while the tetra's eat at the bottom, good luck
If you could get dried tubifex worm cubes to stick to the sides, then all of the fish should be able to get to the food. However, not all fish eat dried foods.

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