

New Member
Nov 23, 2003
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What all do your fishies eat. I wonder if i give mine to much??
they get frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp as well as flake and color bits the tubifex worms and shrimp pellets as well as alge wafers in the tank.
the killies get crickets and ghost shrimp as well as a couple feeders
is this just to much could i cut back on 1 or more of these foods and take them away and still have happy fish?????
My fish are fed with a variety of foods like: tubifex worms, algae disks, brine shrimp pellets, and flakes. They usually don't get the worms everyday though, i give to them sort of like a treat.
If your find your ammonia is going up, that could mean you feed your fish too much. Try to remove any uneaten food after 5 minutes or so. I usually judge how much food i give them by how much uneaten food reaches the bottom(obviously if alot is reaching the bottom, i'm over feeding). I only make sure my discs reach the bottom for my cories though :) . I feed my fish 1-2x a day by putting small amount of foods at time so it all gets eaten, then adding another small amount etc.
Actually what your feeding them is very healthy. Its good to have a wide variety of food available. Just dont feed too much in one feeding we all know what that can do to the water quality.

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