food you feed

Lots of things, you can feed chopped up lettuce or cucumbers, or even special sea algae. there are many cultured foods, such as live baby brine shrimp,live blood worms (mosquito larvae) and daphnia (microscopic food for fry). you can feed Freeze dried tubiflex, which sticks to the side of the tank, and freeze dried versions of brine shrimp and krill.
Most of these are fairly expensive though, and if your fish are happy with just flake, then I would stick with that. :)
id hardly call 12 blocks of frozen bloodworms for 99p expencive :lol: ... 12 blocks can last u 2-3 months.... the same goes for frozen daphina and brine shrip :)

i have all 3, i change wich ones they eat do it on a rota.. thats why they last so long...

now live foods yes are expencive... a small bag of live bloodworms would cost me roughly 60P its just enough to fill one cube never mind 12...
FrankSlapperinni said:
Most of these are fairly expensive though, and if your fish are happy with just flake, then I would stick with that. :)

As nightlife pointed out, frozen live food is not expensive at all. Freeze dried is not likes in my tanks and I have tried f/d bloodworm and tubifex. Frozen is cheap and I only need half a cube for my biggest tank.

It is very important to feed fish a variety of foods to keep them healthy, happy and active.

I feed my fish fresh veg including lettuce and cucumber and my loaches and plecs like it especially but my other fish have a go. I feed a variety of foods every other day as I have amny different kinds of fish, including flakes, catfish pellets, algae wafers and plec tablets in all tanks. I feed frozen live food weekly and veg weekly too.

I don't cut up fresh veg though as FrankSlapperinni suggested. I weigh it down with a stone and let the fish take it from there. It gives them something to do as well as being good for them.

I don't cut up fresh veg though as FrankSlapperinni suggested. I weigh it down with a stone and let the fish take it from there. It gives them something to do as well as being good for them.

im the same with cucumber i just skin it half it (along lenth) attach a weight to it ( i find the lead weights off dead plants do a great job) and place it in both tanks..

never tried lettuce with them tho... but iv tried brocoli and peas :)

wonder if they would eat carrots?
:fish: I feed my fish:- flake,catfish pellets, alage wafers, spirulina flake, :) raw potatoe,raw cucumber, raw courgette :p ,blanched broccoli, blanched brussels sprout,blanched peas :) , chopped prawn, whole green shell mussel(suspended in the tank and the fish tear it apart) :) , live bloodworms,glassworms,mosquito larvae,daphnia(raised in paddling pool in garden in spring/summer) :D , live whiteworm(bred in the shed),grindalworms, microworms(cultured on top of my tank). :D
In fact my fish probably eat better than I do :D
oddly enough, the only thing my fish will eat is flakes. I've tried other foods and noticed it stayed floating at the top of the tank. So I gave the food to my sister for her tank.

If it's flakes they want, it's flakes they'll get!

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