Fish Gatherer

When you say "peel" are you talking about shucking the peas from the pod? or actually peeling the paper thing skin on the pea itself?karrihug said:you can peel frozen peas, they like that or a bit of blanched zuccini, just was very well or peel it first cause they can have pesticides or sometimes they wax them to make them look pretty, same with cucumbers. i have also tried lettuce, but nobody seemed real interested in it. don't know about fruit. hth![]()
The latter.Sky042 said:When you say "peel" are you talking about shucking the peas from the pod? or actually peeling the paper thing skin on the pea itself?karrihug said:you can peel frozen peas, they like that or a bit of blanched zuccini, just was very well or peel it first cause they can have pesticides or sometimes they wax them to make them look pretty, same with cucumbers. i have also tried lettuce, but nobody seemed real interested in it. don't know about fruit. hth![]()
Yes, microworms are great food for fry, and even the bigger fish will love them. I culture them for my cory fry, but lately I've been putting some in my big tank for the guppy fry too. Even the big gouramis swim up and try to eat these tiny little things. It's very funny to watch them!modernhamlet said:Fry and small fish such as rasboras and tetras love microworms. It looks like a shark school feeding frenzy. And best of all, they are extremely easy to culture. Quick oats, water, yeast, and culture. Happy fish.
When you say "peel" are you talking about shucking the peas from the pod? or actually peeling the paper thing skin on the pea itself?