Food Variety


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
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New Hampshire, USA
-_- I was wondering what other foods I can offer my fish to give them more variety besides the regular frozen and flake food?
In the summer I offer live larva and fresh water shrimp that I catch here in the pond near my house. I also offer some vegies, bloodworm, brine shrimp, and probably have 7 dif store bought foods in dif forms.

Hi Sasha :)

You might try giving them spirulina discs or other algae wafers. Most fish love them. :nod:

Another thing you could think about is live blackworms or tubifex worms. There's very little work involved to keep them clean and your fish will go crazy over them. If you want to know how to clean them, just ask. :D
:D Thanks everyone! I already KNOW my fish love algae wafers, but I wasn't sure if they were healthy for them. Funny thing is that my otto ignores the algae wafter, and the swarm around them! :hyper: The fish are mainly guppies, platies, mollies and tetras. I'm going to try to buy some live blackworms or tubiflex worms, so thank you Inchworm for the idea! Is there any fruits or vegetables that I can offer to my fish? :unsure:
my fish love mysis shrimp they come in frozen cubes. and algae wafers are a big hit as well.

My oscar loave ghost shrimp but I don't think most fish will eat those.
you can peel frozen peas, they like that or a bit of blanched zuccini, just was very well or peel it first cause they can have pesticides or sometimes they wax them to make them look pretty, same with cucumbers. i have also tried lettuce, but nobody seemed real interested in it. don't know about fruit. hth :thumbs:
Fry and small fish such as rasboras and tetras love microworms. It looks like a shark school feeding frenzy. And best of all, they are extremely easy to culture. Quick oats, water, yeast, and culture. Happy fish.
karrihug said:
you can peel frozen peas, they like that or a bit of blanched zuccini, just was very well or peel it first cause they can have pesticides or sometimes they wax them to make them look pretty, same with cucumbers. i have also tried lettuce, but nobody seemed real interested in it. don't know about fruit. hth :thumbs:
When you say "peel" are you talking about shucking the peas from the pod? or actually peeling the paper thing skin on the pea itself?
Sky042 said:
karrihug said:
you can peel frozen peas, they like that or a bit of blanched zuccini, just was very well or peel it first cause they can have pesticides or sometimes they wax them to make them look pretty, same with cucumbers. i have also tried lettuce, but nobody seemed real interested in it. don't know about fruit. hth :thumbs:
When you say "peel" are you talking about shucking the peas from the pod? or actually peeling the paper thing skin on the pea itself?
The latter.

I just cut them in half. The fish eat the soft insides and all that's left is a little cup.
modernhamlet said:
Fry and small fish such as rasboras and tetras love microworms. It looks like a shark school feeding frenzy. And best of all, they are extremely easy to culture. Quick oats, water, yeast, and culture. Happy fish.
Yes, microworms are great food for fry, and even the bigger fish will love them. I culture them for my cory fry, but lately I've been putting some in my big tank for the guppy fry too. Even the big gouramis swim up and try to eat these tiny little things. It's very funny to watch them! :lol:

Here's a link about them:
When you say "peel" are you talking about shucking the peas from the pod? or actually peeling the paper thing skin on the pea itself?

i drop the frozen peas into a cup of hot water, then pick them up and pinch with my fingernail to make a hole in the paperthin skin, then squeeze gently and the inside pops out.

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