Food making water cloudy


New Member
Jan 31, 2005
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I have recently been given 5 baby catfish and I was advised by the pet shop to buy Plecostomus tablet food but it's making the water cloudy. Have I been given the wrong advice and would food do you suggest I buy?

Joy :)

They are fed 2 tablets once a day. They disolve so it's hard to tell how much they are eating.

Joy :)
Others will know more, But perhaps just one tablet will do.

Alternate feeding by giving them a slice of cucumber or courgette(zuchini) Remove what's not eaten.

Thanks for the advice :)

I also have Platies so is it still okay to use cucumber?
It'll need weighing down. And I think some people remove the centre and blanche it in hot water first. it!
Hi JoyB :)

You said you have baby catfish, but not what kind they are. Are they plecos or something else?

In any event, you need to do extra water changes and bottom vacuumings to remove any food that has not been eaten. Bacteria that could harm your fish will be eating the leftovers and will increase in number. It's very important that you do not let this happen. :D

Thanks for the advice.

I did a partial water change etc nine days ago. The following day, when I started using the new carton of food, it started to go cloudy.

I'll clean the tank again and see if that helps, thank you!

Joy :)
....I forgot to add that I have no idea what kind of catfish I have but after searching on the internet I think they may be Peppered Cory's.

Joy :)
JoyB said:
....I forgot to add that I have no idea what kind of catfish I have but after searching on the internet I think they may be Peppered Cory's.

Joy :)
Hi JoyB :)

I had a funny feeling you were going to say corys! :lol:

Depending on their size, you might be feeding them too much. And, while the pleco pellets won't hurt them, there is better things you can give them.

Corys should have a good quality flake food that is high in protien. Another thing that is very good for them is blackworms, bloodworms and/or tubifex. These come live, frozen and freeze dried; they will love them all. I would avoid Wardley's Shrimp Pellets which used to be a staple in corys' diets, but these day has too much ground wheat in them.

Enjoy the little corys. They are fun now and you can look forward to having fry of your own within the year. :D

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