Food for Panda cories


Fish Fanatic
Jun 5, 2004
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I just got 4 panda cories to go with my betta in my 2 footer, i had no idea what food they needed. They are all under an inch long. I got some sinking wafers from hikari and some other catfish sinking chip thing by sera. I dropped in a wafer or 2 yesterday and this morning they are still there. Does it mean they are still adapting to the environment? or don't they like the food? Thanks in advance for any replies
Hi caterpillar5 :)

Hikari sinking wafers are an excellent food for your corys. Until they learn to eat them, be sure to remove them to keep them from spoiling in the water.

You might want to try adding frozen or live worms to their diet. Your betta will love them too.
when i had pandas i fed them hikari wafers and they loved them. they also enjoyed frozen bloodworms.
in time they will learn to eat the wafers, just be patient :)
Thanks for all the replies, i just fed them some frozen bw and the betta went crazy but the cories tried to eat it but don't look like they can swallow them or something? anyways i will keep trying, i mean i can't complain, i only got them yesterday! hehe :D
My cories will eat anything. You can give them flakes with the wafers until they learn to eat the wafers. They will soon enough, little vacuum cleaners! :rofl:
You could try some small slices of cucumber when they settle a bit more :nod: . Remove any leftovers before it fouls the water. :)
mine eat hikari sinking wafers and frozen black mosquito larvae and one had a live bloodworm once but they're not good at catching them!

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