Food for my SAP


New Member
Sep 1, 2004
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Recently I purchased 10 ghost shrimp. I made the mistake of putting them all into my SAP tank. He ate all of them that evening :blink: My question is, is the shell that the ghost shrimp have enough to help wear down his beak? I am feeding him bloodworms and snails along with the occasional shrimp.

well im trying to feed my dwarf puffers snails right now and they like it.

but the ghost shrimp seem to be left alone for now.

first of all, ur gonna need a little more space for that south american puffer( i wanted one for my 10 too but was told "no", by a certain minion :p )

also ive heard that ghost shrimp's shells arent hard enough and you should keep up with the snails.

and also ive heard that u might have to even trim the SAP's teeth once in a while.

i wish i had an sap :drool:
I have been advised by other puffer keepers on this site that 10 gal is a perfect size for SAPs. He is only 2 inches right now, so I don't see any problems thus far. He does eat snails and frozen bloodworms, I was just wondering if ghost shrimp will help in trimming his tooth, and whether or not they are a good alternative food for SAPs.

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