Food for Fry


Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
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cardiff uk
hi i have a selection of baby guppies at different stages of life. I was was wondering if any peeps out there could give me some advice on what your feed your fry on? Can you suggest foods that will help to enhance the colours to develop faster?

U can feed them on mainly crushed flakes, boiled egg yolk is a high protien food u can give them, but do not over feed as it will break down in the water very quickly
I use baby brine shrimp and some flake food and some shrimp pellets and I crush all of them up you should watch the go at it they have growed a site they are almost a inch long now.
:D :D I feed mine mostly crushed flakes, they are less than a week old...but I will be feeding baby brine shrimp soon.......
also with the flakes, I use the ( wrong end)of a plastic pair of tweezers to crush up the flakes, tunn them around, and use the tweezing end to grab just enough of the flakes........this help me not to overfeed them. :D

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