Food For Catfish?


New Member
Jan 7, 2011
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recently my catfish has not bin getting enough food and look's sick. so i switched him over to my 10 gallon so he can get better. but i dont know how i should treat him with. can be the food i am feeding him. im currently feeding him "sinking wafers". what should u do? the kind of catfish i have is a albino cory

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IF it is a cory that you have my first point would be to advise you to add more of them if you can. Corys like to be in a group, 6 or more. They`re lovely, sociable little fellas and I found mine would eat mainly algae wafers and flake that had managed to reach the floor of the tank and they also ate bloodworm when it was given :)

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IF it is a cory that you have my first point would be to advise you to add more of them if you can. Corys like to be in a group, 6 or more. They`re lovely, sociable little fellas and I found mine would eat mainly algae wafers and flake that had managed to reach the floor of the tank and they also ate bloodworm when it was given :)

yes i was thinking of going to get more i had 7 in my 30 but they always seem to die on me and i take rely god care of them the most. but i think my cory got sick because i recently cleaned my 30 gallon and there is no algea yet so should i leave him in my 10 gallon that has tons of algea to get better or just keep imy cory in my 30 gallon.

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IF it is a cory that you have my first point would be to advise you to add more of them if you can. Corys like to be in a group, 6 or more. They`re lovely, sociable little fellas and I found mine would eat mainly algae wafers and flake that had managed to reach the floor of the tank and they also ate bloodworm when it was given :)

yes i was thinking of going to get more i had 7 in my 30 but they always seem to die on me and i take rely god care of them the most. but i think my cory got sick because i recently cleaned my 30 gallon and there is no algea yet so should i leave him in my 10 gallon that has tons of algea to get better or just keep imy cory in my 30 gallon.
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Unfortunately you cannot rely on the algae that grows in your tank to feed a cory, they don`t clean the glass as you would expect of a pleco perhaps. I may be wrong in how I`ve perceived your post but if you`re hoping that a cory will clean algae then that`s probably why it`s looking thin :X
Algae wafers, meaty pellets, bloodworm and flake, a good combination of all would be good for corys. I personally think you should up the numbers and keep them in your biggest tank if possible.
Panda corys can be one of the most sensitive of the corys, I too lost the ones I had so it might be a good idea to add some Albino corys as they`re generally hardier :)

Would it be possible for you to upload a pic so id can be confirmed?

IF it is a cory that you have my first point would be to advise you to add more of them if you can. Corys like to be in a group, 6 or more. They`re lovely, sociable little fellas and I found mine would eat mainly algae wafers and flake that had managed to reach the floor of the tank and they also ate bloodworm when it was given :)

yes i was thinking of going to get more i had 7 in my 30 but they always seem to die on me and i take rely god care of them the most. but i think my cory got sick because i recently cleaned my 30 gallon and there is no algea yet so should i leave him in my 10 gallon that has tons of algea to get better or just keep imy cory in my 30 gallon.
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As elisew had said, Corys do not eat algae. Start of feeding him some flake food, dont feed him on the surface though, make sure it all gets to the bottom, he'll certainly eat that. Then after start varying his diet. And as elisew has also said, Panda corys can be very sensitive to bad water. However don't add any Albinos to the tank, they are one of the bigger corys and will need bigger tanks. Get around 5/6 more Panda Corys. May I ask, is this tank cycled? :rolleyes:
i used to use sinking pellets and would feed them at lights out to stop the other fasre fish nicking it all, not a problem i have anymore as i dont have any corys in the tank presently

Would it be possible for you to upload a pic so id can be confirmed?

IF it is a cory that you have my first point would be to advise you to add more of them if you can. Corys like to be in a group, 6 or more. They`re lovely, sociable little fellas and I found mine would eat mainly algae wafers and flake that had managed to reach the floor of the tank and they also ate bloodworm when it was given :)

yes i was thinking of going to get more i had 7 in my 30 but they always seem to die on me and i take rely god care of them the most. but i think my cory got sick because i recently cleaned my 30 gallon and there is no algea yet so should i leave him in my 10 gallon that has tons of algea to get better or just keep imy cory in my 30 gallon.
View attachment 62112
As elisew had said, Corys do not eat algae. Start of feeding him some flake food, dont feed him on the surface though, make sure it all gets to the bottom, he'll certainly eat that. Then after start varying his diet. And as elisew has also said, Panda corys can be very sensitive to bad water. However don't add any Albinos to the tank, they are one of the bigger corys and will need bigger tanks. Get around 5/6 more Panda Corys. May I ask, is this tank cycled? :rolleyes:

yes my tank has bin cycled. i recently had oscars for 5years and then i had a diseas ick in my tank and did not treat it so currently im starting new with tropical fish. the tank had bin cleaned really good filter changed new bio wheel everything.

i used to use sinking pellets and would feed them at lights out to stop the other fasre fish nicking it all, not a problem i have anymore as i dont have any corys in the tank presently

yea same problem i had my oscar would eat the sinking pelets but my catfish would not last long.
Has the others have mentioned a good balanced diet of flakes,mini granules,bloodworm etc are good for corys :good:

You say you've changed your bio wheel lately,this could disrupt your tank readings,have you checked the ammonia/nitrite recently?

The picture of your panda does look poorly,to me it looks has though it has a fungal growth around its gills..... :unsure:

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