Would it be possible for you to upload a pic so id can be confirmed?
IF it is a cory that you have my first point would be to advise you to add more of them if you can. Corys like to be in a group, 6 or more. They`re lovely, sociable little fellas and I found mine would eat mainly algae wafers and flake that had managed to reach the floor of the tank and they also ate bloodworm when it was given
yes i was thinking of going to get more i had 7 in my 30 but they always seem to die on me and i take rely god care of them the most. but i think my cory got sick because i recently cleaned my 30 gallon and there is no algea yet so should i leave him in my 10 gallon that has tons of algea to get better or just keep imy cory in my 30 gallon.
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As elisew had said, Corys
do not eat algae. Start of feeding him some flake food, dont feed him on the surface though, make sure it all gets to the bottom, he'll certainly eat that. Then after start varying his diet. And as elisew has also said, Panda corys can be very sensitive to bad water. However don't add any Albinos to the tank, they are one of the bigger corys and will need bigger tanks. Get around 5/6 more Panda Corys. May I ask, is this tank cycled?