Food for african cichlids


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Mar 1, 2004
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Calgary Alberta,
I have 1 venustus 1 kenyi and 2 elcetruic yellows for now, and was wondering about specific types of fish foo i Already have frozen krill, and nutrafin cichlid food, the nutrafin doesn't have spirulina and is a flake food, so i was wondering if i should get another kind of flake food, or maybe pellets,

What are the sticks?

And if i got pellets what size small or medium? right now my fish are between 1.5 inches to two and ahalf inches

and specific brands if possible?

Want something with spirulina
so what do you think?
Some spirulina is a good idea. The Lombaroi is the only fish in that tank that actually needs it it's good for the Labs too and won't harm the venutus. HBH Veggie is one of the best spirulina flakes out there - beware of some brands that are called spirulina but actually contain a very small portion of it - read the ingredients. Pellets are optional since you have the flakes already, but variety never hurts. Go with smaller pellets so they're easy to eat - as the fish grow you can just feed more of them.
I give mine a variety of frozen blood worms, spirulina flakes, medium cichlid pellets (my cichlids are about 2-1/2" long) and Tetra Cichlid. Sometimes I give them broken up algae tablets as a treat. They love them.
Thanks for the advice about the blood worms. I didn't realize they weren't good for them. I've only fed them that twice but won't do it anymore.

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