Food 4 My Gold Nugget


New Member
Jan 25, 2010
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wot are the best foods for my gold nugget??

and wot are the best ways to get the food past the other fish in the tank 4 him??

thank you 4 ne help
no problem
first of all what fish do you keep with your plec?

all pleco's will eat algea wafers, live foods, frozen foods, and a mix of vegatable matter.
no matter what plec u may have.
golden nugget plec's need a peice of bogwood to live of as part of their diet aswell, so bare this in mind.

try putting your pleco's food in the tank about 10 to 15 minutes after the lights are turned off, this gives the fish the chance to calm down and become less active.
which means ther less likely to eat your pleco's food before he gets to it.
as most pleco's will feed in the dark rather than in the light.

good luck.
Hi there,

My Golden Nugget eats Courgette(also called Zucchini). Just use a fork or spoon to keep it weighted down and place it near his cave etc.

Kind regards


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