Following Fish Wanted Please!


Jun 7, 2009
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Livestock- Any Breed Or Strain Of Shrimp. Kuhli Loaches. Also Very Young Fry Of Any Description
Age and condition: Any Age Taken
Delivery or Collection: Delivery Please Unless You Live In Aberdeen,Scotland!
Sales price: Preferably Free, Obviously I Will Pay The Postage Costs.
Postage & Packaging:I Willl Pay!!
Location: Aberdeen,Scotland.Photograph: N/A
it might help to say the sizes of the tanks you want to put them in and your current stocking so nobodys time is wasted :good: also for posting your going to pay around a tenner at least for each bag of fish so unless you find someone close it might be cheaper to go to your local shop dependant on the species of fish
regards scot :)
The Shrimp Would Be Going Into A 180Litre Shrimp Tank With Many Other Shrimp...Too Many Young One's Too Count!
The Kuhli Loaches Would Be Joining 14 Other Kuhli's In My Main Tank...2039Litres Approx. With Cories,Many Types Of Tetra's, Huge Pleco. The Fry Would Be In My 300Litre Baby Tank Until They Were Big Enough To Be Moved.
I Dont Mind The Cost, Its Where The Fish Come From, I Dont Believe In Paying Large Chain Stores For Mass Bred Fish Kept In Cramped And Sometimes Foul Conditions, Much Rather Pay Good Money For Fish That Have Been Properly Taken Care Of! :D
it was the fry i was worried about been eaten thats all though you might get a few in a shrimp only tank was just trying to help you good luck:)
regards scot
Oh No, I Wasnt Meaning My Last Post To Be Rude Or Disrespectful In Anyway!!
Im Greatful For Any Response!

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