flying fox


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
hi all I think I have finally found a Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus (flying fox)
my question is
anyone have first hand experiance with these fish, if so what fish should I avoid as tank mates?
There is a lot of conflicting info out there, so please don't link me to any sites as I've more than likley seen it :) I need real life experiance here guys not what is posted on fishbase,badman,aquazoo etc
Thanks in advance :thumbs:
I have one, he's so cute! He'll come up to eat flakes, or whatever you put in the tank, he doesn't wait for it to fall to the bottom. His favorite food would have to be frozen bloodworms. I have him in with guppies, a molly, and a gourami. He will eat dead fish though, but what fish doesn't? Evil canibals. :lol:
hi paul, you will get alot of conflicting evidence about this type of fish :/

sadly mine died yesterday (iv had him ages)

ok... heres two sides i can give u

my aunt an myself brought one of these each at the same time.... mine was an ok fish... not aggresive.. swam round tank with most of other fish.. real easy to catch (could say it almost went in willingly) it even shared its home with a albino rainbow shark quite comfetoubly :)

my aunts on the other hand is a mean peice of work.. regular attacks other fish and has had to be segregated on more than one occasion.. hates being around her red tailed black shark and has stressed her fish. untill it was shipped to a diff tank... where its still causin havok

i suppose its the same with most fish.. (had the same with mollys some were nice some were nasty)

sorry i couldnt help more :(
Ive had alot of them.
They really do ALOT better in groups, when they are kept in groups, even in a group of 3 they are alot more active and playful, more fun to watch.

Ive had them with alot of different fish in alot of different tanks, and they havent showed any agression with any of the fish. onyl thing to avoid are tankmates that might pick on them, like RTBS or rainbow sharks or something like that.
ok thanks :)

I have read about them being territorial to their own kind, and they should not be kept together. Is this just another of the misleading info about them :dunno:
Well id think so, because i have had about 10 at one time in my tank at once, and they all got along, but when i tried puttin one by its lonesome it seemed to be less active and less 'happy' i would start witha groupe, and if their is problems then u can always give them abck to the LFS or put them in other tanks
hi , i had one a few years ago , he absoulutley hated the sucking loach i had , they fought like crazy so he had to go (had the sucking loach for ages before ) i wouldnt have anothe loan one , keep them in groups of 5 or 6 if at all. :D
Thanks again
I'll get a group then.
Yeah, i keep 3. There were sposed to be 4 but one turned out to be another species?!!? :X But he is still cool.. :thumbs:

Anyways, yeah, my fish dont harm anyone in my tank. Including gouramis, harlquins, glass cats, and a spiny eel. They wil eat algae, but they arnt the best algae eater around, they tend to go for food you put in for others once they get the taste for it. They grow large and fast given good clear water, and mine are huge!

Anything else u wanna know Wolf?
for the moment I have what I'm looking for, thanks.
The-Wolf said:
for the moment I have what I'm looking for, thanks.
Your sig needs this infamous Anchorman Quote:

"They've done studies you know... 60% of the time, it works everytime."
what type of salt water aquarium shark when they feed gold like sparkles come out of there gills
maggieoftampa said:
what type of salt water aquarium shark when they feed gold like sparkles come out of there gills

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