flying fox...


Jul 22, 2004
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well.. i was looking for something to put with my 5 female bettas in my 10g tank.. saw a 3 inch flying fox where i work, but price was too much for me, so i went to another place and got 2 1 inch ones for $3 each (big one was $7)

so basically, im just wondering about them.. ive been watching them for awhile, and they havent been fighting with anyone else in the tank.. there are a lot of showdowns, but never any fighting.. one always backs down.. i find it hilarious..

the fox will spin around, they will come nose to nose, and 1 will bow down and swim away.. its pretty amusing to watch :fun:

just wondering if anyone has any info for me about them.. i really like them, im guessing breeding is hard and out of the question :blink:
Have you got the Flying Fox (Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus) which has two sets of barbels and a gold stripe running down the length of its body? Or do you have Siamese Algae Eater or Siamese Flying Fox (Crossocheilos siamensis) these have one set of barbels and a single black line running down their body?

Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus are territorial amoungst they're own species and other similar looking Cyprinids. They will graze on algae to a certain extent but not like Crossocheilos siamensis which prefers to be in groups and does a good job on algae in the aquarium. :)
black stripe going down body.. they do seem kinda territorial towards each other.. they dont really attack each other, but dont like being together it seems

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