Flying Fox With Weird Dot!


New Member
Mar 20, 2007
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I just picked up for Flying foxes (added a picture to make sure that that is what they are) but after I got them home I noticed that two of them have a round red dot in the middle of their body near to the head and first fins.

Anyway have any idea what this would be?

Well the crossocheilus siamensis has been known to have fins with distinct coloration, generally yellowish, with some black and white highlights. I have never seen one like this before. But I will look further into this to see if I can help you. By the way they are great algae eaters for a planted tanks. Among one of the best with their ability to eat almost all types of algae. Some that even other fishes don't prefer.
The fish is Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus, a Flying Fox, not an SAE. I can't see the mark you mention?

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