Flying Fox With Red Tail Shark?


Fish Crazy
Aug 14, 2005
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Northwest England.
I currently have 2 Flying Fox (Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus. I think thats what they are) They are becoming very agressive with each other so one is being moved to a family members tank. Does anyone know how these would get along with a black red tailed shark? The tank is a 290L (77 us Gal) stocked with 2 medium size clown loach, 14 tetras, 3 platy, 1 female betta, 2 dwarf gourami, 4 Plecs (small), 6 albino/bronze cory, 1 siamese flying fox and the flying fox.
well, i have a RTS and a CAE in my 180L community, so not the same, but similar! the get on on the whole, and the worst i have seen, is chases down the tank. though you are more likely to see them side by side eating! they have been together 9 months now.
I personally wouldnt as RTBS tend to chase and bully anything that looks like them. They are ok in the shops because they are in groups of 8 or more.
I personally wouldnt as RTBS tend to chase and bully anything that looks like them. They are ok in the shops because they are in groups of 8 or more.

perhaps i would not do it now, but at the time, i didn't know any better. but i have been lucky so far
Yes, some people experience different behaviour like yourself and have had no problems :good:
Thank for the info :good: Just moved all my stock into my 290L tank today, took the chance and put both Flying Fox in! They seem ok less agression than there was in the 140L they do chase each other but there is no violence so ill keep them and knock the idea of a RTB on the head, have had a RTB a few years ago and they have the same temprement as the flying fox so i dont think ill chance it!
Flying fox are solitary buggers... not into being with their own kind..

I think putting a rtbs with one would basically be like keeping 2 flying fox together.. they'd probably spend a lot of time fighting.
they are both from the shark family thats why they fight..............I had the same problem with mine until the RTBS died.
I have 6 siamese algae eaters now who are very sociable together, RTBS are very solitary though and dont socialise the same.-they are however very entertaining
I have a redtail with a flying fox in my 55 gal. They have been together for 2 months now. I don't think they even know about each other. There have been no problems at all. You should only have one redtail and/or one flying fox in a tank. Both species become aggressive toawrds their own kind.
i have a red tailed black shark, and two flying fox's, i wasnt aware that flying fox's dont like each other. but my three all live under bogwood together, and if someone swims out, they all swim out looking for him, then they all go back in toghether.
I currently have 2 Flying Fox (Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus. I think thats what they are) They are becoming very agressive with each other so one is being moved to a family members tank. Does anyone know how these would get along with a black red tailed shark? The tank is a 290L (77 us Gal) stocked with 2 medium size clown loach, 14 tetras, 3 platy, 1 female betta, 2 dwarf gourami, 4 Plecs (small), 6 albino/bronze cory, 1 siamese flying fox and the flying fox.
I have 2 flying foxes and a red tail shark in a 55 gal for over a month, maybe 2, and no problems....the shark and flying foxes have never crossed paths...every now and then the foxes will tangle but nothing for me to have worried about yet....all seem pretty good together....

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