Fluval Phosphate Remover Bad For Corals?


Mar 21, 2009
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surrey uk
i use fluval phosphate remover in one of my compartments in my tl550 housing sps lps and softies however i just read that extra caution should be taken with inverts and corals, they seem fine and have been using the product for 3 months now, i would like to know is there a risk and of what?

Sorry for all the questions
Its perfectly fine. I'm using the same stuff and was confused by the warning as well. I started off using the "recommended" dosage for a reef tank too and it did nothing at all (I had a seriously high phosphate issue though). Spoke to loads of people on here and other forums and they all said it was fine to use the full dosage. I have done (about 2-3 months ago) and my corals are doing better than ever.

Basically I have no idea why that bit is in the instructions but its fine to use the full dosage that it gives in the instructions.
Any powder residue from the remover is toxic. The more remover you add the more dust you add also, unless floss is directly after the remover in the path of water... Basically, the maximum recommendations are to reduce the amount of toxic dust gets into your tank when you add it.

I have been using it at about 10X the usual dose for a while now and it's never done any harm :good:

All the best
so its ok 1 bag per 100l at around 7x flow rate with no filter floss? thanks

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