Fluval Filters


Fish Fanatic
Mar 29, 2005
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After a filter for a 6.5G tank for a Betta so obviously it needs a flow adjuster. Which should i go for? Will the Fluval 1 plus be good enough? Or should i go for a Fluval 2 plus as i already have one running on my other tank so cycling my new tank would be a case of swapping the media.
I think the fluval 1+ would be ample for a 6.5 gallon tank :nod: . The bioload is going to be minimal so the 1+ should cope easily.

Would it not be cheaper just to do daily 100% water changes?? A 6.5 gallon tank shouldn't take any more than 10 minutes to sort out.

Yeah it would be cheaper but i would like my Betta to have a cycled tank.
For a 6.5 gallon tank, you are an ideal candidate for a hang on the tank filter. In fact, at that size you can even use an internal filter (filter hangs inside of tank).

With just 1 fish a canister filter is really more then you need.

Best of luck,
i have a fluval 2+ in my 20 gallon tank, i dont think you would EVER want that in such a small tank (plus i'm pretty sure it is too tall to even fit in there?)...even the 1+ will probably create too much undersired current for your betta in my opinion
asaint said:
For a 6.5 gallon tank, you are an ideal candidate for a hang on the tank filter. In fact, at that size you can even use an internal filter (filter hangs inside of tank).

With just 1 fish a canister filter is really more then you need.

Best of luck,
Fluval 2+'s & 1+'s are internal filters! :rolleyes:

the 03's & 04's are the external canister filters.
In such a small tank with a almost non existent bioload you would be better off filtering the tank with a small air driven internal sponge filter, a power filter will create too much current for fish like bettas which like still water.
I have an aquaclear mini in my 5 gallon betta tank

it doesn't creat much turbulance, even at the highest setting

you could always lower it to minimum and it would be enough filtration

a sponge filter would work too, but a good silent air pump and a sponge filter will cost you more than an aquaclear mini

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