Fluval Filters


Jan 5, 2006
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Cheshire England
Got a small 60ltr fluval tank that I was running with a internal fluval 2+. The other day my father-in-law gave me an external Fluval 105. Spent some time reading the instruction book (never had a external filter before) and then set it up. The filter is working fine, I put the media out of the internal filter in it. The only thing that I found was even though it is a fluval tank and a fluval filter when I put the hood back on it doesn't fit properly cos of the in and out flow pipes. I would have thought being both by the same company that this wouldn't have happened!! Guess I'll have to leave it with the top slightly off or cut larger holes in a perfectly good hood! -_-
Shame about the holes not being in the right place - Ive been lucky to aquire several tanks of late from various sources all of which I have had to modify slightly in order to fit my fluval 104, fluval 404 and fluval 405 pipes. Ive had to take a small hack-saw and make a suitably sized slot for the pipes. Its a very simple process but one that really needs to be done so that the lid fits snug to the tank - thus retaining warmth and providing a layer of warm/humid air should you wish to keep beta's.

Good luck.
Exact same thing happened to me!!!

I probably have the same tank as you, I had the same filter, I bought a fluval 104 and it wouldn't fit the hood! My dad's saw soon put an end to that.
Thanks for the replys Bungy and Luketendo. guess I'm not the only one with this problem. lol I'll wait till the weekend and have a go at sawing a piece off each end. Annoying though. Think I'll email fluval and ask them why they don't make it so their equipment fits the purpose!
Yep, I had the same thing. I didn't cut the hood though, I've just rested the hood on the pipe so it's slightly raised. I must admit that although I like the filter (mines a 204), the pipes and bends are just nasty. I much prefer my eheim ecco pipes. I've considered getting reducers and eheim spares and converting the fluval. Not sure how easy this would be though.
Thanks for the replys Bungy and Luketendo. guess I'm not the only one with this problem. lol I'll wait till the weekend and have a go at sawing a piece off each end. Annoying though. Think I'll email fluval and ask them why they don't make it so their equipment fits the purpose!

Just a quick question - why saw a hole at BOTH ends - you may as well feed both pipes through the same slightly larger hole, your intake will be at around the 25% depth mark (bottom 1/4 of the tank) and your outlet about 1 inch below the surface pointing towards the other end of the tank - or on the surface if using a spray bar. Saves cutting too many holes in the lid.
I also find this setup ensures that the water current is passing along the surface initially, hits the far side of the tank and directs downwards, as it hits the subtrate at the bottom the current collects some waste material as it passes along the bottom and points it back towards the awaiting intake for further filtration.

All a matter of choice however.
If you look at the holes in the hood the fluval normally has an indented square above the hole.

If you pull with force at this it will come off (It is for people to use externals)

Thats what I did with my old Duo Deep hood anyway.

If you look at the holes in the hood the fluval normally has an indented square above the hole.

If you pull with force at this it will come off (It is for people to use externals)

Thats what I did with my old Duo Deep hood anyway.


Yeah same there is two square bits that stick out a bit, basically my dad sawed around the insides of them.

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