Fluval Edge-The Most Important Fix You Could Make!

I Keep Fish

Fish Crazy
Oct 31, 2010
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OK, so you've got your Fluval Edge yes?

You've set it up, and noticed you have a tiny area for the water to be exposed to air, thus lowering the amount of oxygen that can enter the tank.

I've been thinking this through for a few weeks now, and im 100% sure it can work

Equipment needed:
Stanley blade
4 8MM cubes of Acrylic (clear,black,white, whatever colour you fancy)
Something to put pressure on new seals.

Step 1
Removed the seal of silicone from around the edge of the top of the tank.
After completing this you SHOULD be able to remove this sheet of glass now.

Step 2
Place said sheet on a clean surface, after removing ALL traces of previous silicone
Add a few blobs of silicone where you feel would be best for the acrylic to be placed (they need to be on the edge as to raise the top sheet of glass 8MM).

It is important for this silicone to dry before you silicone it to the main tank!!!

Final Step
Add silicone to the acrylic cube, and now place on top of the tank, using a weight to put pressure on the silicone and creat a strong bond.

You will have to leave the tank a week or so to clear the smell of the silicone from the tank but once its complete, you have a better tank, for the cost of a tube of silicone and a few bits of acrylic.

Your end product should look like this (not an actual pic) fluval edge edit.png

I hope this helps anybody with a fluval edge, and i will be updating with pics when i get mine.
I still think you shouldnt have to do that,the #41#### manufacteurs should of thought of the problem before they made it.
I still think you shouldnt have to do that,the #41#### manufacteurs should of thought of the problem before they made it.
You're right, but until they either re-issue them with this fix, or bring out a similar tank with a good airflow we'll have to do something like this
I don't believe this mod is necessary; here's why. After you take the top sheet of glass and raise it 8mm, you then only fill the tank to within 1 or 2cm of the top.

If you did this without your mod - ie. just underfil the tank - it would then have a larger area exposed to the air and therefore greater gaseous exchange.
I don't believe this mod is necessary; here's why. After you take the top sheet of glass and raise it 8mm, you then only fill the tank to within 1 or 2cm of the top.

If you did this without your mod - ie. just underfil the tank - it would then have a larger area exposed to the air and therefore greater gaseous exchange.
But you wouldn't have a lot of through flow, which increases the rate of gaseous exchange
isnt it defeating the object with a fluval edge you may as well get a normal tank with a hob for a tenth of the price :/ :/

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