Fluval Edge And Hatchet Fish...


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
South Wales
Hi there all,

I've been a looong time deciding which small tank to get to keep me company while away from home, and am pretty certain it will be the fluval edge.

Anyway, its going to be planted (low growing plants) with sand substrate, some small pieces of thin bogwood, and some floating plants too.

The water level will be a couple of cm lower than the top glass (unless I drop floating plants idea).

I may change out the filter for something better at a later date.

OK, all that aside, I've been taking aome time to think about fish selection.

Of the fish I kept many many years ago, marblet hatchets, and khulies were always some of my favourites, but could also be a little troublesome (rescuing khulies from external filters, finding hatchets attached to cover glass etc.).

So, do you think the fluval edge would be a suitable tank for these species? and if so, how many of each? I've got my own thoughts, but would ideally like some input from those who may be using this tank already?

Tank dimensions:- 22.4cm H x 43cm W x 26cm

allowing 39.1cm of fish.

both are too big for a fluval edge (hatchets and kuhlis). Atleast I would imagine so, kuhlis get pretty long and hatchets get to 2 inches? they like jumping too which wouldn't be great in that tank
Yeah, I know they like to jump....

Bit of a pipe dream, should be absolutely fine for khulies though....

Unles i can actually get my hands on some pigmy cories one day!
I'd see what other people say but like kuhlis get to 4 inches don't they?

thats over a third the size of your tank... there are some amazing little fish you could get.. I'd get a couple of those and a few shrimp
Definitely don't recommend either. Hatchets can really hurt themselves if they jump and hit the low ceiling and khulis get very long and wouldn't have enough space.
Well , khulie need a three dimenional landscape more than anything ele, and live in all kind of mall and large environment 'naturally'.

A for the hatchet, yes a bit of a pipedream like I said...

Hmmm back to the drawing board..

Perhaps dwarf cories and micro rasboras?

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