Fluval Drilled Tank With Different Filter.


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
Rotherham, UK.
Time's come for me to change the filter on my 190l Venezia Corner tank (for whatever reason it only came with a 205 for up to 200l tanks, which I thought was a bit low) and I was looking at either the 3 or 405. However having just set up my old 96l again with my Tetratec EX600 I've been reminded how much better a filter they are.

So, anyone familiar with the through-the-base piping system of the Venezia, would it be possible to change the Fluval filter for a Tetratec? Anyone not familiar - All it basically is is two stepped connectors with the in-out pipes from the tank connected to it, secured with jubilee clips, as you can see in the picture below. (Pinched from a different thread).

This would obviously entail changing the fluval piping shown below for the tetratec piping, but I figure a secure, tight fit is a secure, tight fit whichever way you look at it, right?

So what does anyone reckon? Possible? Stupid idea?


It's possible to do, but in most instances you have to replace the bulkheads with standard size ones... That involves a tank strip. Mind you, changing the pipe attachments could be a messy job also :crazy: I personally would always change the filters on these before putting the tank into service for the first time... :nod:

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I'm almost certain I could just change the filter for the 3/405 without having to make any adjustments - I had a thread about doing that on here, apparently the aquastop tap just fits into the larger filters without any problems. I was just wondering if this were possible as the Tetratec seem so much quieter.

Might just got for the 305 and save myself the hassle.
Erm, no, the 105 and 205 use the same hose, and the 305 and 405 use thicker, so you cannot just swap to the larger one, as they use different hose and Aquastops :sad: I've got to ask, why do you want another Fluval external? Surely owning one was enough to put you off, unless you literally just bought it and the primer still just about works...
Erm, no, the 105 and 205 use the same hose, and the 305 and 405 use thicker, so you cannot just swap to the larger one, as they use different hose and Aquastops :sad: I've got to ask, why do you want another Fluval external? Surely owning one was enough to put you off, unless you literally just bought it and the primer still just about works...

The other thread I had discussing this said that the hosing provided with the Venezia/Vicenza tanks were the same, as were the aquastops regardless of whether you got the 1,2,3 or 405, and that a couple of people have done exactly what I was asking about and changed the 205 supplied with a 3/405 by merely plugging the old aquastop into the new filter.

There's nothing I've found particularly bad about the Fluval externals, maybe a little noisy, I just want something a bit bigger. However as this thread says, were it possible to change it for a Tetratec I would. I was hoping that the through-the-base piping would allow for me to simply attach the hosing to it in the same fashion as it is with the Fluval hosing.

EDIT: After a quick look online, any shop that sells the aquastop tap states "104,105,204,205,304,305,404,405", so it seems to me the tap's the same regardless? I also checked the 205/305 hoses in the shops and yes they are different thicknesses but the actual grey ends that connect with the stop tap and the piping beneath the tank are identical, so they should fit to me.
I could have sworn that we have two sizes of Aquastop at work. They use different thickness's of pipe for definite, so it seems really stupid to have the same size Aquastop for each filters, as it would create a flow killing blockage hot-spot in the plumbing of the larger filters...

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I could have sworn that we have two sizes of Aquastop at work. They use different thickness's of pipe for definite, so it seems really stupid to have the same size Aquastop for each filters, as it would create a flow killing blockage hot-spot in the plumbing of the larger filters...

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I'm thinking that the piping provided for the drilled-based tanks is thicker than hosing designed for the 1/205. It's a sure sight shorter than that which can be bought in shops. Maybe they get around making thick and thin options for the short hosing by just providing thicker?

I wished they'd just ship the 190l with the 305. The 180l Vicenza gets the 305, but the 190l gets the 205, makes no sense.

EDIT: Can I ask why the tank would need a bulkhead change? I was thinking only of changing the pipes in the top picture with those from a Tetratec (along with the filter, of course) and can't get why anything else would need changing? The hosing connected with stepped connectors that extend from below the tank and are held fast where you can see the jubilee clips. I thought that to change the hosing would be nothing more than a case of just that; changing those hosing and securing it with J-clips.

Many thanks.
You could do it that way, but Fluval installed Bas???d fittings (trade slang for non-standard) and hence, the Tetratec hose will be a tight fit, making it easy to knock off. On paper, you can push the Fluval hoses onto the Tetratec hose fittings, but again, being for a B. fitting, I wouldn't trust them to hold if knocked :no:

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You could do it that way, but Fluval installed Bas???d fittings (trade slang for non-standard) and hence, the Tetratec hose will be a tight fit, making it easy to knock off. On paper, you can push the Fluval hoses onto the Tetratec hose fittings, but again, being for a B. fitting, I wouldn't trust them to hold if knocked :no:

All the best

Hmm. I think the EX1200 has thicker (15.2mm) hosing so that may make it a little easer to fit than the Ex6/700 (11.3mm) although I'm not sure of the diameters of the Fluval hoses. There should be no risk of it being knocked as I'm the only one who goes under the tank in my house, and with a couple of J-clips on each one I'd hope it'd stay put.

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