What is up with the Fluval Aquaclear 110 power filter? I have two of them in a 125 gallon tank. Within 24 hours 2 perfectly healthy peppered corydoras (which we had grown very close to) were sucked up into the filter and brutally killed. There is no warning on any of the packaging nor instructions about the possibility of this filter sucking up and killing fish. I even had the setting on low. After the first murder, I stuffed the suction with sponge. It still sucked up, overnight, the other cory killing him!!! I am so angry I can hardly stand it.
So, I went to the local mom and pop fish store for expert advice. He said it happens all the time. Therefore, you have to purchase outside sponges that go over the intakes. I asked him why Fluval doesn't put them in the box or suggest buying them. His answer, 'Because they want to make more money. They don't care." He suggested I sue you or at least call your number, which I will be doing, and demand you put this warning on the box/in the instructions. If I do not hear back from you within 24 hours, I am going to be notifying CBS and ABC News about this negligence. I worked for both in my previous career. Maybe I can save some perfectly healthy and innocent fish, along with children and family members who mourn their violent passing (not to mention hold a company accountable that charges us a fortune for its products). Thanks and God Bless, Ken Sauer I will not be giving up my pursuit in this matter.