Fluval 405 Outlet Nozzles


New Member
Jul 24, 2007
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Hi all,

As a new fish tank owner I hope that this question does not seem to stupid. I have a Fluval 405 filter on an 350 litre tank, but where should I position the
outlet nozzles, should they be below water level, or resting on top. If they are positioned to rest at the top will this help with airation?

Thanks for any help
I'd say below the water.

Above the water would help with aeration, but would also be louder, and splash quite a bit.
they are meant to go 4" below the water line, that's what the manual says anyway :)
Depends what fish you have. If you have a mid level fish that likes swimming against the current the put it down lower in the tank so they had a good mid level current.

I normally put mine just below the surface (about 1 inch).
Thank you all, I could not find the relevant depth in the manual. I guess I am going a little blind, to much reading.

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