Fluval 405 Leaking, Tired Everything...


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Jan 1, 2012
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We've had our Fluval 405 for about 5 years, and up to now it's done a good job. I did a water change yesterday and since then it's been leaking from the two small holes near the clips. From what I've read this is a common problem. I've checked the seal, which is in good order with no cracks etc. I emptied the water out and refitted the head, then refilled it, all to no avail. I even wrapped some plumbers PTFE tape round the seal, and it still leaks, so much so that we can't use it. We've been messing around with it all day, and it's sod's law that this would happen today when everywhere is shut.

So, looks like it's time to buy a replacement. Needless to say, I'm not gonna go for another Fluval. For what they cost, I think they should last longer than 5 years. Plus, we are fairly skint after Xmas! So, can anyone please recommend another make/model? Our tank holds about 220L.

Also, how long can my fish go without filtration? The tanks is fairly well stocked.
dont get another fluval - get a tetratec external...why dont you put it in a box and punp the leaking water into the tank?

oh and by the way... this is what sledgehammers were invented for!
Hi Bubble

I'll have a look at the Tetratecs (spelling).

Sledgehammers = :nod:

ps I've no idea how to pump the leaking water back into the tank. I'm a not technically minded female LOL
Ok, Tetratecs are also prone to leak, from what I've just read. Are there no filters that you can trust not to leak? Eheims are out - too expensive.

I'm almost scared to mention it...but has anyone any experience of the Hailea filters sold on Ebay? Look Ok for the price, but who knows?
If you pop onto zooplus website they have eheim 2217 for £70. I have one of them (and a 405 actually!) and it seems very well made if a little basic. I figure though, that the less high tech it is, the less that can go wrong!
Hi Bubble

I'll have a look at the Tetratecs (spelling).

Sledgehammers = :nod:

ps I've no idea how to pump the leaking water back into the tank. I'm a not technically minded female LOL

yep, sledgehammers are cool! use a powerhead with a hose pipe attached to pump the water back

Ok, Tetratecs are also prone to leak, from what I've just read. Are there no filters that you can trust not to leak? Eheims are out - too expensive.

I'm almost scared to mention it...but has anyone any experience of the Hailea filters sold on Ebay? Look Ok for the price, but who knows?

TBH i dont thing many filters can be completely Leak-Proof but from my experience and the experience of lots others TetraTec seem to be the best brand...

IMHO i dont trust Ebay
I've taken all the comments onboard, and I'm still researching and trying to decide. Can anyone tell me how long my fish will be safe for? It may be my eyes playing tricks, but I think the water is beginning to look cloudy already.
The new TetraTECS do not leak. The older version of the ex1200 leaked from the hose adaptor. An issue which TT sorted out by adapting the adaptor to have a double deal. If you buy new then you can be rest assured that they are bullet proof and won't leak. :good: £85 brand new if you shop around. Even if you go second hand and are unlucky enough to find one that does leak then TT will ship you out the modified adaptor free of charge.

The media capacity is second to non, certainly out weighs the Fluvals stock media.
Im using the aquamanta 400 which was highly rcomended. £99 and very quiet
OK, I've read so much about exteranl filters, I'll be dreaming about them! Anyway, I decided on a Tetratec ex1200, mostly because of the excellent comments I've read about their customer service. At least I know if it does leak it will be sorted.

The only problem now is that, as it's still a bank holiday tomorrow, delivery is gonna take a few days. So can my fish wait that long? Is there anything I can do to help them til the new filter arrives, such as water changes etc?
Have you got an internal filter at all?

How much is your filter leaking? Have you tried Vaseline?

You have chosen wisely, grasshopper...

Also, where are you from?
Have you got an internal filter at all?

How much is your filter leaking? Have you tried Vaseline?

You have chosen wisely, grasshopper...

Also, where are you from?

Ah, thank you master LOL

We've got a fluval internal filter, which is for a 50L tank we no longer use.

No, I haven't tried vaseline. It's leaking so much I doubt it would make a difference.

I'm near Kings Lynn, Norfolk.
Are you heavily stocked? Put some cycled media from your 405 into your internal filter. You will probably have to do some daily 50% water changes until you get it. Have you any live plants?

The 405 would be worth spending some money on once you have saved a little spare cash. Work through the obvious things such as the seal, aqua stop valve and the self prime lever etc.
Fairly heavily. Only 2 live plants. I'll do as you suggest, 50% water changes & internal filter. Just ordered the Tetratec, should be here by the 5th.

Not sure I'll bother with the Fluval spare parts, may just flog it as not working on ebay. I'll think about it.

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