fluval 4 filter


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
Bristol, United Kingdom
Just wondered if my filter is working properly, should it be sending bubbls into the water or just stream water??

trouble is whenever the filter is on the fish keep well away except the black molly who sits on the top :), however when the filter is off the fish swim round really lively and look so much more happy, whilst trying to turn it around the other day it started spraying lots of bubbles into the water and got me thinking perhaps this is how it should be constantly??

I know this sounds stupid, but please help
It can do either bubbles or no bubbles and it doesn't really matter which mode you have it in unless you really need the surface agitation bubbles provide. I have one too any my fish are also afraid of it :) Other folks on here suggested turning it to face the wall AND turning on the bubbles both of which reduce the apparent current in the top of the tank.

btw - the bubbles turn on when you turn the little black/blue bit that sticks up from the nozzle AND that black bit is just above the water level.

Haven't tried it turning it against a wall yet but will post when I do.

Scroll down to see my original post btw,

aj xx

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