Fluval 306 Media Layout?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2012
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Hi, i just bought a used fluval 306 for my osaka 155, the osaka has been running with a rena xp2 and a fluval u2 internal, hopefully the 306 will be able to replace these pair, obviously the 306 has been left to run dry so i will be using the bacterial media included plus what i have in the previous filters (fluval stuff), I know that carbon is pretty much a waste of time so this will leave me additional space for media, in another spare filter i have eheim substrat pro which also has no live bacteria, would it be fair to say that i can mix all of these bio medias in the same tray (space permitting) or would it be better to add the additional stuff (substrat) to the tray where carbon currently sits as well as some fine polywool before returning back to the tank.

I understand this filter follows this manner

Vertical course foam
horizontal fine foam
carbon/purigen - whatever i pretty much choose?

Obviously the more bio media the better for the tank.

I have a presealed bag of purigen spare which looks like it would fit in these media trays perfectly, so maybe substrat pro-purigen-polywool as the last media before returning to the tank.

any advice welcome

I run the same in my internal filter (except for the purigen, which i will add to my external later if i get it)

loose filter wool
course spunge
4 layers of bioceramics
one fine spunge

chemical filtration should always go on the bottom (meaning; right before the output)

I think i'd just mix the biomedia and divide them in the space you have...

have fun!

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