Fluval 305 Vs Eheim 2224

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Fish Fanatic
Apr 6, 2009
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Hello everyone!

So i have a 65 US gallon tall tank and I want an external filter but I can't decide between the Eheim or the Fluval models. I've never done external so this is all new to me. Both are for aquariums 60-70 gallons and run 135 gallons per hour.
I haven't finalized my stocking yet, as I can't decide between Discus only tank or a Angel community tank. I know I want a heavily planted tank if that makes any difference. I have plenty of time to decide while my filter cycles though!
Any help is great :D
Personally I would go with the 2224. I've been running a 2224 & a 2222 on a 55 that at times gets stocked beyond anything resembling sane. It's safe to say I've abused these filters over the years, without a single problem. I torture test filters, just to see how they hold up.

I've got a 305 that has been sitting in the box since last December, won it in a raffle. If I thought it would work better in any way I would be running it. I just need to have the right situation to run it through its paces. I have a buddy that I'll give it to once I see how long it takes to choke.

The 2224 & 2222 won't die. The 2026 tore up an impeller after 5 years. I have a little ECCO that's a choke-o-matic, plugs in a couple of months. The 2215 on my oscar tank keeps running, looks to be as good as the 2224 & 2222, only without the media baskets.
Thanks :good:
Do you think I should run more than one filter on this tank?
That depends on your stocking. For an average stocked community tank the 2224 should work OK,if you plan on heavier stocking look into tie 2026. You could also combine a good hob filter with the 2224 if you plan on stocking more heavily.

If you plan on running CO2 with a planted tank best bet is sticking with a canister, as you can submerge the spray bar to lessen surface motion.
If you are running a Discus tank, neither filter is man enough for the job. Actually, IME a 405 will struggle with 5 4" Discus and a hand full of small dither fish, they are really a joke for clogging with messy fish in the tank...

I'd be looking at an Eheim 2080/Rena XP3 if your going for one single filter, or a pair of 2028's/Tetratec EX1200's/Rena XP2's. With expencive and messy fish, two filters will always be better than one IMO. Personally, with the amount of bother I have had with 04 and 05 series Fluvals on my own, friends and work's tanks, I wouldn't touch them with a 20ft bargepole, unless if was insulated, and the thing lived in a container that was able to take the volume of water sat above the inlet for the filter, such that I couldn't get electric shocked or the carpet ruined while it was running on one of my tanks... Mind you, half they time they are nearly clogged up between weekly cleans on tanks containing messy fish... You'd have to pay me to run one. (which work conveniently does :p )

However, if you are looking at Angelfish communities, I'd be going with an Eheim 2028/Rena XP2/Tetratec EX1200. You *may* get the Fluval 405 to stand up long enough to do a reasonable job if you lightly stock and lightly feed, but I personally wouldn't... Supposedly, if you wrap the Fluvals in cotton wool and tuck them into bed at night after reading them a bed-time story, they perform well, but even then they are harder than pretty much any other filter to work on. Most other filters (bar Eheim's Ecco series) will take no end of abuse and never fail, but not Fluvals IME, they fail even when well looked after.

All the best

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