Fluval 304


Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
cardiff uk
well i currently under took the task of getting an external fluval 304 working again but having a few problems in trying to get some of the parts!!!

the filter was previously used for filtering a terrapin pond!!! and then didn't work as well as it should......did explain to the person who had it, that the filter had to be lower than the pond { impossible unless you drill into the tiles} for it to work efficiently.

The motor still works as i tested it in a plug socket for 2 secs, as i was thinking maybe the fuse in the plug had gone but it works fine.... How ever some of the parts need replacing like Motor seal, Hose lock nuts etc. which i can get quite easily but i need to find a Intake stem and Intake strainer as they have just destroyed the one [right mess]. Any1 suggest where i might pick these up from????

My main concern is that the motor housing doesn't fit on properly unless i remove motor seal and only has the blue claw clips to fasten the motor housing to the filter case [STRANGE]. My current new fluval 104 has both blue and grey claw clips, so do i need to replace these too???

Really want to get this fully functional as i have suggested it to be used on a tank that currently houses 6 oscars and are extreemly messy fish.

Please Help.......


I suggest you try Pets at Home, in Cardiff Bay, or Cardiff. They carry quite a few fluval spares, and can order bits in for you. Just tell 'em you bought it there, and you need to service it. They usually oblige. The best bit being they are cheap!, They retail the Fluval 304 for £59.99!

Just a thought, or hit the website Hagen Fluval Filters , and take a look at the parts breakdown for the 304. Armed with part numbers, your life will be easier.

Sounds like the motor seal and impellor cover may be distorted. Has the unit ever been left to run dry? It may have got hot, and become mis-shapen. Or the seal has swollen or been replaced with the wrong one at some time. Tread carefully, you may be aswell to just try the impellor cover and seal to start with. That way if the unit has become distorted, you won't spend too much money on a dead duck!

Hope this helps.

hey thx for that sub!!!! never thought of the filter to become distorted.....to my knowledge i don't really know if it has been left running dry.. it just been sat on a shelf for the last 6months waiting for some attendtion. I have a fluval handbook that came with my new fluval 104 so i have all the part numbers which correspond with the letters on the picture.

the place were just going to bin it!!! It looks reasonably new as the hex nodes are still white and so are the sponges!!! so i think it was a case of 'oh it doesn't work lets leave it here to decay' what a waste of money!!!

no-one knows how to service a filter [except me!!!] in fact i run the aquatic's department as no -one is really that bothered so i carry out all water tests and water changes, re-stock tanks and service equpiment and replace as and when necessary!!!

today it was a case of replace a 300watt heater as the other one had blown [they @ centre didn't even notice!!!] only until i did tank temps over weekend and i thought strange, thermometre only read 22'C and the heater was set at 26'C so i turned it up to 30'C and rechecked it the morning after and discovered the temp had dropped to 20'C.

I turned heater off and examined it, it was then i discovered it was burnt out as it was black inside the glass case. So now we have a brand spanking new one and temp is at a constant 26'C..

Good spotting on my account really coz we could of lost a huge amount of fish in our 3 levelled tier system!!!

So abit of an exciting day really in the Aquarium dept!!! [Extended fish house i call it]

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