Fluval 304 Help Needed


New Member
Oct 27, 2006
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i cant get my fluval 304 to work. it wont start up and recently started leaking. is it repairable or should i buy a new external filter?
i cant get my fluval 304 to work. it wont start up and recently started leaking. is it repairable or should i buy a new external filter?

I have a Fluvial 304 too, i have real trouble getting it going again when i do water changes/clean it out etc

It too has leaked, but i realised it was the rubber seal not sitting right sometimes when i replace the top after cleaning etc

Why do these start to be difficult to get going??????
i cant get my fluval 304 to work. it wont start up and recently started leaking. is it repairable or should i buy a new external filter?

What tank size is your Fulval 304 used on? Is it possible that you have the output nozzle and input nozzle Placed on the wrong hosing? I did this on 10g when I was setting up my Fulval 205. Did you palce the gasket around the base? Is the leak coming from the seams in the between the canister cover and canister filter. Is the canister base more than 4.5ft.(1.4m) below the water level? Are there any loops?
I have a 304, not had too many problems. Try taking the seal off and running it through water to get all the goop off. I find that usualy helps with the sealing. Also if it is leaking, try putting the lid on differntly. I find that if you clip one end on **before** the other end, it pinches the seal and leaks. If you clamp both ends down at the same time, this does not happen.
are eheims any better. apparently my 304 is beyond repair. the bloke suggested to get an eheim 2234. little more expensive, but i dont mind paying it if they are any good. any idea?
I am using the 2213 Model of the Eheim Classic on my new tank setup but have used Fluvals in the past and I have found the Eheim to be much better built. I was a bit worried about priming it as some people have said this can be problematic but found it primed first time with no problems :good:

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