Fluval 3+ Internal Filter Keeps Clogging


Fish Crazy
Jun 19, 2008
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I have had a fluval 3+ for a few months now and quite like it as its simple to use. I use it in a 96 litre tank. Just this last week or so the flow has kept slowing down and it has actually clogged a couple of times. I wouldnt expect to clean it out more than once a fortnight, but I have had to do it a couple of times a week recently. I clean the sponges in syphoned off water, and since the clogging incident have been using a small bottle brush or cotton bud to clean out all the little tubes and openings. Ive also cleaned the impeller and chamber. I have recently discarded the polywool and just use the sponges thinking it was the polywool that clogged to easily, but its happened again with just the sponges in.

I use the venturi attachment so I can monitor the flow, if I see plenty of air bubbles I know the output is good.

I dont really want an external filter tbh. I know some of you will think this is the answer but its not for me. I have another tank, same size and it has the original Juwel filter in it and it works great, never clogs. I have been trying to get another one of these second hand, but it has proved difficult. They are expensive to buy new.

In the time being, has anyone found the answer as to what clogs these filters?
I have had a fluval 3+ for a few months now and quite like it as its simple to use. I use it in a 96 litre tank. Just this last week or so the flow has kept slowing down and it has actually clogged a couple of times. I wouldnt expect to clean it out more than once a fortnight, but I have had to do it a couple of times a week recently. I clean the sponges in syphoned off water, and since the clogging incident have been using a small bottle brush or cotton bud to clean out all the little tubes and openings. Ive also cleaned the impeller and chamber. I have recently discarded the polywool and just use the sponges thinking it was the polywool that clogged to easily, but its happened again with just the sponges in.

I use the venturi attachment so I can monitor the flow, if I see plenty of air bubbles I know the output is good.

I dont really want an external filter tbh. I know some of you will think this is the answer but its not for me. I have another tank, same size and it has the original Juwel filter in it and it works great, never clogs. I have been trying to get another one of these second hand, but it has proved difficult. They are expensive to buy new.

In the time being, has anyone found the answer as to what clogs these filters?

I dont have an answer im afraid, bu this lso happens with the fluval 3 i have on my hospital tank. when i open it up all the media is clean and not clogged, put it together turn it on and ful flow again. i have recently "trimmed" the media so it desnt cause as much resistance with water being suckued into the filter and out through the nozel, so far it seems to be ok, i know i can do this as the tank is only 70l and has so few stock in it, may not be possibe for you.

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