Fluval 206 Vs Eheim 2213-37


Cogito Ergo Sum
May 29, 2011
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My Rena XPS was a total failure, it's breaking down, and nothing seems to work properly. No amount of cleaning or maintenance seems to fix it. So, a new filter's needed. 
Right now, it's a tie between the Fluval 206 and the Eheim 2213-37. Both have great reviews, both have some terrible reviews. I want to see what everyone else thinks I should get. 
Only requirement is that is MUST have a spray bar!
ive have 306 &406 also have a 2217, all do the job in hand I would say the fluvals are the easiest to clean, while there don't come with spray bars you can buy them separate which I have done with the 306, if I had to toss a coin I would say fluval
While I can't give you a comparison against each on your shortlist. My 206 has performed flawlessly in my 33 Gallon and promoted my to buy the 306 for my 52 Gallon tank and that also performs flawlessly, so I won't hesitate to recommend them, Fluval specific Spraybar costs around £10 or $16 (US) 
Garbolino said:
ive have 306 &406 also have a 2217, all do the job in hand I would say the fluvals are the easiest to clean, while there don't come with spray bars you can buy them separate which I have done with the 306, if I had to toss a coin I would say fluval
Cleaning is not so much of an issue as longevity and flow power is. 
KirkyArcher said:
While I can't give you a comparison against each on your shortlist. My 206 has performed flawlessly in my 33 Gallon and promoted my to buy the 306 for my 52 Gallon tank and that also performs flawlessly, so I won't hesitate to recommend them, Fluval specific Spraybar costs around £10 or $16 (US) 
You can always recommend other filters, these were just the ones that caught my eye. 
I've read reviews that the Fluval Spray Bar does not come with the rubber couplings that are needed to connect it to the output. Thoughts?
You can always recommend other filters, these were just the ones that caught my eye. 
I've read reviews that the Fluval Spray Bar does not come with the rubber couplings that are needed to connect it to the output. Thoughts?
You've read ill informed reviews, everything required is in the box to connect your outlet hose to the spraybar, there are several good functional filters out there:- Sunsun/All pond solutions depending on your geographical location they are decent quality highly rated by many on this forum and represent very good value for money,  my sister is running an AquaManta EFX 200 External Filter from Maidenhead Aquatics(UK) and that also does a fine job and also is very quiet, but some of these filters have intricate shaped foams and polishing pads, that unless you use the usually expensive manufacturer own replacement will require you to be a little skilful with a pair of scissors to recreate with cheaper bulk bought media sheeting, the fluval trays are virtually rectangular an so simplify fitting this alternative but just as effective cheaper media (saying that you'll get years out of most foam media inserts)
KirkyArcher said:
You can always recommend other filters, these were just the ones that caught my eye. 
I've read reviews that the Fluval Spray Bar does not come with the rubber couplings that are needed to connect it to the output. Thoughts?
You've read ill informed reviews, everything required is in the box to connect your outlet hose to the spraybar, there are several good functional filters out there:- Sunsun/All pond solutions depending on your geographical location they are decent quality highly rated by many on this forum and represent very good value for money,  my sister is running an AquaManta EFX 200 External Filter from Maidenhead Aquatics(UK) and that also does a fine job and also is very quiet, but some of these filters have intricate shaped foams and polishing pads, that unless you use the usually expensive manufacturer own replacement will require you to be a little skilful with a pair of scissors to recreate with cheaper bulk bought media sheeting, the fluval trays are virtually rectangular an so simplify fitting this alternative but just as effective cheaper media (saying that you'll get years out of most foam media inserts)
I've heard good things about Sunsun's, unfortunately, I've only seen the massive ones for sale here....for tanks over 100g and has a built in UV sterilizer....a bit overkill for a 20g.
This is where I saw the poor spray bar reviews:
Although, I just now saw that it's meant for 103,203, and 303s, not the 206 I would be getting. Where else could I get Fluval specific spray bars?
Should probably mention I live in the States.
KirkyArcher said:
It would appear that the spray bar kits that are available over here
aren't available over there
So it looks like you'd have to get a spray bar, hose connectors and suction cups as separate items
You, or anyone else, wouldn't happen to know where in the States I can buy the hose connectors? Suction cups are easy.
Are you sure this Fluval Spray Bar will fit a 206? It says it's meant for 203s....
I have relatives in Germany, I can purchase the spray bar on amazon.uk or amazon.de and ship it to them, and have them ship it back to me, if necessary. 
yes it will definitely fit as long as you have the rubber connections, pity you live in the states as I have a brand new spray bar for sale
Any idea where I can buy the rubber connections?
ebay or amazon, if you buy a 206/306  it will come with rubber conecters
Garbolino said:
ebay or amazon, if you buy a 206/306  it will come with rubber conecters
Are these the proper rubber connectors? If not, what do the right ones look like?
Or is it these?
As the ribbed hose diameter for 106 (104/105), 206 (204/205,)are 14.5mm. The 306 (304/305) and 406 are all 17mm O/D

#now with corrected information#
oops sorry think that info may not be 100% will do a little more checking

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