Fluval 105 Or Tetratec Ex 600


New Member
Oct 22, 2007
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I have a 20g empty tank with a internal fluval 2+ but I have enough for a canister, what would you guys recomend?
And are they anyother good brands that are good for a 20g tank?

I'd also go with the tetratec, or if you are willing to spend a little more, an eheim 2213

EDIT - just noticed eheim is actually cheaper, either is a good filter tho
I'd also go with the tetratec, or if you are willing to spend a little more, an eheim 2213

EDIT - just noticed eheim is actually cheaper, either is a good filter tho

Thanks :D I picked up the Tetratec 700 today ^^ as it was the same price as the 600 ;)
lol thats silly.

how was the setup? Pretty easy isnt it?

How has it been running?
Sorry to jump in on your thread here bet I am also considering getting the Tetratec 700 for my new 170L tank after many people lavishing it with praise on here.

Can I ask how noisy it is? My tank will be in the living room and the filter in the cabinet below the tank and noise is obviously something I want kept to a minimum.
I just ordered the EX700 from www.zooplus.co.uk as the price difference between the 600 and 700 was hardly anything. It also is free delivery and 10% off your first order. I ordered the filter and a spare pack of BF and FF filters for under £50. I ordered it on Sunday evening and had an email stating it was shipped last night so fingers crossed it should be here tomorrow.
From all the googling I did plus watched the video on Practical Fishkeeping mag website it is very quiet and works well.
lol thats silly.

how was the setup? Pretty easy isnt it?

How has it been running?
The filter has been running very well :D i still have my fluval 2+ in my tank with the tetratec 700 and the water quality is great.
Setting up was pretty easy for the most part, i found a nice video on youtube to help me :p

Sorry to jump in on your thread here bet I am also considering getting the Tetratec 700 for my new 170L tank after many people lavishing it with praise on here.

Can I ask how noisy it is? My tank will be in the living room and the filter in the cabinet below the tank and noise is obviously something I want kept to a minimum.
My tank is in my room next to my bed and it is very quiet. I have only ever heared it make a lot of noise once and that was when i first started it up.

Now I just need to get some fish^_^
Sorry to jump in on your thread here bet I am also considering getting the Tetratec 700 for my new 170L tank after many people lavishing it with praise on here.

Can I ask how noisy it is? My tank will be in the living room and the filter in the cabinet below the tank and noise is obviously something I want kept to a minimum.
My tank is in my room next to my bed and it is very quiet. I have only ever heared it make a lot of noise once and that was when i first started it up.

Now I just need to get some fish^_^

Awesome, thanks man.

My EX700 and filters have just arrived........excellent service from zooplus

They sound like a good reliable company. And you've done your homework and found they're the cheapest so methinks they're getting an order for one more!
It comes with a 2 pin Euro plug on it as its made for German market. Either use the high quality adaptor they supply with it or chop it off and put a UK 3 pin plug on it. The box and instructions are made for whole of Europe so not a problem. Check out the price of Aquasafe too, 2 x 500ml bottles for £10.99
Just a thought....... if you cut the 2 pin plug off, would this invalidate the warranty?? Some manufacturers (and I'm NOT suggesting Tetratec would do this) would use any excuse to get out of a warranty repair.
I think zooplus have done quite well in sales this week cos I've gone and bought one of the EX700's as well!!!
SUBARU WRX you should see about getting some commission for the sales!! :D

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