Fluorescent Lights and starters


Apr 11, 2003
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Northern Illinois, USA
My 29 gallon aquarium came with a traditional single bulb fluorescent strip light fixture (that rests on top of the glass part of the hood). I have to replace the starter because the light is flickering. My question is, can I replace a 14 - 20 watt starter with a higher wattage starter, and then use a higher wattage bulb? Right now it only has twenty watts in it, and that isn't enough for plants. The fixture itself doesn't have any wattage info on it. If I can't increase the wattage (it should really have at least 55, I think), then I need to upgrade to a better fixture before I get the plants, I guess. TIA.
all 24'' bulbs are 20 watts the only way you an get more watts is more bubls or go to compact flouresent like im in the process right now for my 30gal.

You can also look into a nice canopy, buy a 25 dollar ballast at Home Depot for it that would run four bulbs.....80 watts.

Or you could double up the ballasts, run the same bulbs, and end up with about 140 watts! All this for about 80 bucks, plus the cost of the canopy/hood.

Lighting is one of the most expensive undertakings, full of options.
Thanks, I see this is not going to be inexpensive. Great Lakes, I already have a glass canopy, but doesn't a ballast need something to go inside of? I know for certain four bulbs will not fit in this strip thing -- will they?

Is your starter and ballast all as one unit? Its the ballast that is expensive and that also determines the wattage.

My hood has a single lamp (15W) and the ballast is fitted into the hood as well. What I am planning to do is to rip out the ballast and put a new tube in its place and drive both tubes using an 'external' ballast. This new ballast will have to be rated for 30W as it will need to drive 2 tubes. Perhaps this may work for you as well. :D
What I have is a light strip, the kind that is independent of but rests on top of a glass canopy. The starter is separate from the ballast, as far as I can tell. The ballast is encased in plastic, next to the bulb sockets, and the starter is next to it. I hope I'm making this clear.
Alia, you mean you have the glass tops on your tank?

I was referring to getting a WOODEN canopy for the top to match your stand???? If you have one. This way you caould fasten lights into the top of it quite readily.

Then you could wire your ballast into the stand or on the back of it to save space.
Ahh, I see. I looked under canopies in the catalog and it was the glass covers. I don't have a stand for this aquarium -- it sits on a cabinet of sorts, from IKEA. I'm afraid I am going to have to invest in some new lighting equipment -- just thought I would take a chance on an easy fix. Thanks for your suggestions, everyone.

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